Last night I spent some time going over my archives. At one time I was a pretty damn good writer. I went into this as a way to express myself and share funny stories from my somewhat deviant past, never realizing that blogging can very easily take over your life. Where did I find the time to write these entertaining little anecdotes? And then comment with such wit and wisdom on other blogs? And why did I have that giant L on my forehead?
In a rare moment of absolutely clarity, I realized that I wrote about so much about my past because not much was going on in my present - and the future didn't look all that exciting either. Actually that's not true. I had many dreams for my future - I just didn't know how to make them happen. I wanted to move home, buy a house, and get a dog. I also wanted a boy and a smokin' body. A smokin' body for me, not the boy. No wait, actually for the boy too. I've probably mentioned this 12 or 20 times on this blog at one point or another.
But things turned out differently than I expected. My future did change for the better. Moving home was the smartest thing I have done in years. Not to say that Florida was a mistake - it wasn't. I went back to school, started a new career, and made wonderful friends that I still stay in touch with on a regular basis. But coming here has been life-altering. I got a great job and work with fabulous people, I started working on my Master's (and I am about to start my ninth class out of ten), I bought a home, got a dog, and am generally - wait for it - happy. Yes, I am happy. It's hard for me to even type the word, so long have I truly felt this feeling. And I can't fight this feeling anymore...I've forgotten what I started....OK stop that. It's not necessary to make jokes about happiness. And that giant L on my forehead? It must have gotten lost in the move.
When I moved into my home after living in my mother's den for the better part of a year, I lovingly unpacked my many boxes that had been held prisoner in storage for so long. Never has unpacking felt so sweet. As I ripped through my kitchen gadgets, I found a little chalkboard that had been hanging in my Florida kitchen. I had drawn a picture of a house on it, complete with chimney and yard. Amazingly, the chalk drawing was intact. It was my own little dream photo, and there I was, holding a picture of the very dream that had come true. Two weeks later, I brought my puppy home. I quickly added him to the picture and hung it up in my very own kitchen.
I have no idea where I am going with this post. I think I just wanted a place to express my gratitude. I am beyond grateful for how things are going in my life. 2008 has been an extraordinary year for me and because of this, I am have never been so excited to see what a new year can bring. In 2009 I will achieve a Master's degree when not so long ago I hadn't even graduated from college. In 2009 I will achieve the smokin' body that I long for. And in 2009 I will find the one I have been waiting for.
Maybe I should put him in the picture too. Just to make sure.

I must say,I'm just fine with the butt scratching pics. I think it's funny & cute, but really, everyone needs to STOP talking about his penis!!! It's creepy and perverted, & you would creep the HELL out of Gerry i'm sure if you went up to him talking about his dick like that. May be the first joke is kind of funny, but they really need to stop, they get old and weird fast!!! He's a dream come true and a sweet gift from Heaven for all us girls, so just comment on suff like his movies, talent, looks, style, and of corse his humor, but not his personal buisness, really, get a life. Let it have Gerry in it, but not "TOO" much of Gerry.
Dear Madalyn B.,
Thank you for your comment on my Gerard Butler apology post. As I stated, we all get wedgies - and you're right - it is funny & cute! Nothing like a good butt scratch/wedgie pick to give me a well-deserved giggle and some soft core fantasy fodder at the same time.
In regards to the penis talk, are you directing that part to me, or to the world in general? I myself have never spent an inordinate amount of time discussing his penis, but do you really think it creeps him out that there are thousands of other people who do? For most guys I know, that's a dream come true. But if you think that my post somehow brought more attention to his much mentioned manhood, and that it offended him somehow, then please pass along my apologies to him. (I'm assuming that since you refer to him as Gerry, you two must be good friends.) And please, rest assured that I would never approach him and "talk about his dick like that." Unless of course, he bought me dinner first.
Again, thank you for your comment and your advice. I will do my best to get a life.
Scarlet Hip
*It should be noted that Madalyn B. found my blog by using the search term "gerard butler has a penis".