Sunday, October 12, 2008

If Only They Had Thought of This...


Kendall said...

That would have come in handy back in 2000. Always, always have a contingency plan in place and a contingency in case that goes SNAFU as well.

I know there have been other presidents that this could and would apply to but Bush is the only one I was alive and largely cognizant for. I wasn't even a year old when Daddy Bush took office in 1989. Yeah, I'm a youngin'.

G3T Films said...

Remember, there's always a grassy knoll!

PS. Hope everything's cool with you Brookster.

Maddie said...

This is freaking priceless.

Miss Melissa said...

This is like the funniest gotdamn thing I've seen all day. :)

jiggs said...

If they had that, they would have never elected a douche like Andrew Johnson!

Anonymous said...

nice to see you back and shit like that.

Bone said...

That would be funny were it not so applicable.

Ubermilf said...

Jiggs is absolutely right.

And that Millard Fillmore was no genius, either.

matty said...

My first and only laugh of the day!

Bless you, Ms. Scarlet Hip!

love and kisses from GayTown,

Anonymous said...

Fun posts...btw, does anyone know what happened to skinny legs and all?

Nance said...

Sigh. If only...!