Stage 1: walk around with nothing on for a while. Hey, I live alone and I'm on the 4th floor, so shut up.
Stage 2: put on underwear. Avoid the over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder, aka the bra.
Stage 3: put on a long tee-shirt, in case I spill coffee.
Stage 4: shorts or pants, bra - only if I am getting the mail or actually venturing out doors.
So today is no different than any other day when it comes to dressing. I was just in the middle of Stage 2 when I decided to open the blinds in my room. The light came pouring and .....did I mention that I live on a canal with lots and lots of boats? Being on the 4th floor I don't usually worry about being seen in my various stages of undress, but today there was a very beautiful, very large sloop docked outside my window. Its mast had to be at least...well...four stories tall. I know this because there were two tanned blonde men up on the mast doing whatever it is that tanned blonde men on very tall masts do and we were directly in each others' line of vision. It was as if they heard me open the blinds - which is fairly impossible - or they have some sort of man radar that goes off when a half-naked woman is within view. Either way, it was an Accidental Flash.
I snapped the blinds shut and sent up a prayer that they didn't see the boobage. Maybe there was a glare on the windows. Maybe they couldn't see through the tree branches. Maybe their man radar didn't go off. Seconds later I heard the sounds of two men clapping and cheering. So much for the maybes.
It seems they did, indeed, see the boobage.
I'm sure everyone has been a victim of the Accidental Flash at some point or another. Today was just my turn.
I won't be leaving my apartment today.
Yes, and I'm sure my boobs get bigger and I get much hotter in each retelling!
Thank God they didn't see my ass.
Really funny. LOL Most definitely you must have made their day. Hey, we all have to do our part. You know, making the world a happy place.:)
You go Brooke. Everyone should flash someone at least once in thier life. You know you felt like a rock star after you did it. Admit it! Admit it, I say!
heheheh... that is hilarious!!!! You CRACK me up! BTW, I LOOOOOVE summer vacation weekdays when you just hang out in the house and do whatever you want. Ahhh, the teacher's life in summer! :)
you are funny :) you are great at story telling. it's true in soaps they are rarely on the phone, well maybe for 30 seconds. i use to watch All My Children but now I don't watch any. never thought i would stop.
never had an accidental flash or maybe i don't remember. well now you got me thinking of it... :)
great post!
I'm more of a Jason Morgan fan myself, but I understand the whole attraction to Sonny.
Nice move on the flashing... You didn't even have to leave your house to be a "girls gone wild" girl. At least you made blonde and blonde's day. Kudos :)
Marel - I feel better now that my boobs have made the world a happier place.
Jacob - show your wife my blog and then encourage her to let you share her humiliation as well.
Ruben - yes, a rock star. I'm thinking Courtney Love without the heroin. By the way, I tagged you below - can't wait to hear about your childhood!
Mo - yes! Encourage my slovenly - and slutty - summer behavior!! You rock!
Lorena - I actually remembered another accidental flash from years ago while I was on a boat. Going too fast, bikini top flapping, a party boat going by...you get the picture. Just hope we were going so fast they didn't really see.
Lo Lo Lova - see? Girl Gone Wild would have been a better title! lol. I too think Jason is hot. It would be difficult picking between the two. Sonny is sexy. Jason is fine. There's a blog - who would you do?
Hhhhmmm ... do you know if that boat is taking applications for jobs on the mast?
Life would'nt be worth living without the chance of the odd accidental flash, but really is there really any such thing as an 'accidental' flash.
Cincy - I don't know. I won't be opening my blinds until October.
Damien - there is TOO such a thing! You shut up!! LOL!
Brooke, happy soap opera and boob day.
I, two, fail to see the point of gussying up to sit around the house. Of course, if my house was magically spotless like soap opera houses, maybe I would. Or if my kids grew from birth to adulthood in 2 years. That would take a lot of stress off of me, too.
Uber - and they always grow up to be uberstuds and studettes as well! Thank goodness as nobody wants to lay around in slovenly laziness looking at people that look just like ourselves.
Flesh - I love your name. Love it love it love it. I will be right over to your blog.
I spend as much time with as little on as possible. Not because I'm an exhibitionist or anything, I am just very, very lazy. And when it's damn hot, there's nothing better than stutting around in the buff. I'm sure I've flashed the neighbours by accident, because on a weekend I can usually be found at the back doors of my house, mug of coffee in hand surveying my back garden - naked. It's what God would want I'm sure!
Oh yeah.
Brooke- at least your nudity was an accident...
hey ~ I wanna know if that's a real picture of your room on this post!? If so, nice place and cool colors!
Major - LOL!
Todd - love your new pic.
Anthony - at least your nudity was alcohol-induced.
Mo - got the pic off the net when I googled *blinds*. LOL Nice colors huh?
That's hot. Love the clapping to confirm the sighting. Thankfully no one knocked on your door shortly afterwards.
Egan - I didn't think of that. But now I'm wondering if I should be happy or insulted that there was no knock. Great - now I'll be up all night.
whiteboybob - I feel much better now. That comment should make Anthony feel better too.
God that's just great. For the guys.
When i wake up every morning the first thing I do is pray. When I am having my moment with The Lord, I ask him for certain things. I ask him to watch over me and my family during the day. I ask him to watch over my friends and their families. I ask him to somehow hook my shit up with free pie and finally I ask him to let me or, at least, some random dudes see some boobs. It's good to know that prayers really do come true.
LOL!!! I'm so glad I could be an answer to your prayers!
I never seem to be the 'victim' of the accidental flash :(
I can totally relate to not wanting to get dressed. In my opinion, if I am just planning on staying home all day and, like you said, eating, watching tv, and blogging (oh yes and taking care of my baby) why get dressed???? The only thing that would do would be to create more laundry! so, I stay in my pj's or just put on whatever it is I was wearing the day before (which, was probably my pj's!!)
so...are they still out there? weighed anchor and all that? (i'm just guessing at the sailor talk stuff)
Those poor schmucks were probably on the mast doing boring chores and getting ready to slave away on the poop deck, and you ended up making their day. You go, girl!
Turn poop deck upside down and it says boob deck. Well, not quite, but it should.
Maybe tomorrow you'll have a whole audience of sailors hanging around outside your apartment. They'll have ladders, ropes, pullies and everything. Very resourceful lot, sailors. :)
Mr. Underhill - I'm not sure who the victim was here.
Ayn - thank you for justifying my laziness!
Darth - yes, the boat is still out there. However, my blinds will be staying shut for the season.
Sunshine - I think I'm going to start looking at this from that point of view!
Owl - boob deck. I like that!
Wow, that's too hysterical. I am sure you did make their day. I don't think I have accidentally flashed anyone before, but I have flashed on purpose before.
Hoping their man radar didn't go off? hahahaha Mine went off and I am in California.
Note to self: buy big boat.
Damned If I Know
I am not posting here because of the aforementioned boobage, naked flashing, construction worker's erect poles...I mean masts, I was posting because...oh crap, now I really do forget what it was so I'll just say hello instead
Jo-Anne, that's going to have to be a blog for you. The Flash! Or better yet, The Flasher!
LeMorse - clearly I was right about the man radar thing! Naked woman - men know.
R.U. Serious - don't forget - with a big mast.
Mari - yes, I'm a saint now! Saint Boobage!
Jacob - I'm so happy to be an influence. I look forward to reading someone else's humiliation.
Moviequill - thanks a lot. That was very convincing. LOL
Flesh - no. In the 24 hours since the boobage show - I have managed to keep them under wraps. I'm so very proud.
You definitely should've opened the blinds back up and squashed your girls to the window. Just to spite 'em.
That is exactly what my friend said!!!! Almost word for word. Spooky!
Great minds and all that....
in addition to the glass squashing, you most definetly should have opened the blinds back up and taken a bow.
Probably could have gotten some free drinks out of it.
Frickin hilarious post! When do your fellow bloggers get tp see the evidence tho :-)
I want an "on purpose" flash.
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