The Grinch is on!!!! The Grinch is on!!! I love the Grinch. Now I know it's Christmas. I'm so excited I could squirt.
And Monkey loves The Grinch too! You simply must go watch Monkey watch The Grinch. I don't think that Monkey squirts though.
Organic. Pomaceous. And so good for you.
I love Jim Carey.
Not that Grinch!!!! The real Grinch!!! Boris Karloff and animation.
Oh, I see. Did that dude from Happy Days draw this or am I way off again?
I missed it! Confound it all!
Egan - I mock your ignorance. Mock mock mock.
Jacob - it's my profile pic isn't it? Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
Ubie - holy crap!
Brooke? Are you online? I want to ask you something... in PRIVATE!
I wish it was exciting. It's not.
I'm online. Please try to think of something exciting. I beg you.
I can't seem to connect to you. I'll e-mail you.
I can't e-mail you! Confound it to hell! No grinch! No Brooke!
I'm going back under my bucket.
Oh for fuck's sake! barose65@yahoo.com
And I'm going to IM you again.
Sweet, I can email Brooke some sweet porn pics now. Awesome.
Egan! You are such an imp.
The Grinch! How I love the Grinch! You are so right. Once the Grinch comes on it is officially Christmas.
Maybe I will put my post up now.
I love you, you wanton harlot!
Can't wait for the dragon to comment on the "squirt" remark.
Squirt what?...
Oh yes, I forgot to call you puddin.
Damn it. Now I wish I had typed:
Squirt what??? Pudding?
I love the Grinch, I truly do
I love it with him, her and with you
Sorry, my best attempt at Dr. Suess is pretty sad; but I do love the Grinch cartoon!!
Squirt what, exactly? heehee :0
Let me guess ... afterwards you have a cigarette and followed by green eggs and ham?
This was a very distrubing post.
*hands over towel* please wipe yourself little miss brooke!
Are you and Ubie talking dirty? If not, just lie and say "yes". My life is so empty.
Egan - promises promises.
Monkey - I am on my way to your bloooooog you wild little beast!
Jiggs - oh baby, you know I'm all about the puddin'.
Cincy!!! Holy crap!!! You're alive!! I must re-roll you!
Marel - hehehe indeed.
Bill - green eggs and ham first. Then the smoke. Always.
Boo - thank you. You are most helpful.
Todd - yes, we are. And we are talking dirty about you.
I was totally impressed too. And now you are recanting faster than a Canadian who said "You know who I like? That George Bush fellow."
The original "Grinch" is the only true Grinch...that Jim Carey/Ron Howard vehicle is the celluloid equivalent of a lump of coal.
i thought you were on holiday! i knew you couldn't stay away too long. tease.
I'm sorry to say I never got into the Grinch. Or Charlie Brown Christmas. What the freak is wrong with me, huh?
rock on the with the grinch, today i'm rockin on cause IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! WOHOOO
Were you rolling your eyes when you typed "inner circel of wit"?
It wouldn't be Christmas without the Grinch! Well, that and the Island of Misfit Toys. That was on abcfamily the other night. Ooh, and I'm a total dork but I love that 80s made for tv movie 'A Mom for Christmas' about the mannequin who comes to life. Ooh, and the Alastair Sim 'Christmas Carol'(he is GREAT). Alright, I'm done playing Ebert and Roeper. Happy Holidays all.
Andrew, how do you really feel man?
Funny enough, I just got fisnished wtaching "How the Grinch Banged Mrs. Baskerville"
Did I just say that outloud?
hahahahhahahaha! now, how did i subconsciously already match you and the grinch up in the same image ;-) *smirk* miss me??? have a good weekend kid!
The Grinch is shown about 73 times through December on UK channels. And I watch them all, even though I own it on DVD. That's right, I own it. NOT the kids.
Since you're all in the Christmas Spirit now. Come over to my blog and give me some sexy Christmas Love Song suggestions. I'm trying to make a CD. Is there Whoville love song?
I love the Grinch! I own it, so I don't have to wait, yeah lame I know, it's not as cool as the wait. I don't own "A Christmas Story" or "It's a Wonderful Life", so there is still a little fun left. No squirting when I get excited either, I am so damn jealous!!
I love the Grinch! But then again, who doesn't?!
I will also stop anything I'm doing to watch "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" and "A Christmas Story," even though I have both on DVD.
The best is when TBS (TNT?) plays the "Christmas Story" marathon. I always make sure to catch it in the middle of one showing, so when the next comes on and my dad says, "But, didn't we just watch this?!"
He hates this movie. So much.
And I say, purely to get under his skin and annoy the crap out of him, "Yes, but not from the beginning. I want to see the entire movie."
The look on his face is priceless. LOL.
I used to do the same thing to my dad with "It's a wonderful Life"
What made it worse, was that I'd quote every single line along with the movie!
Jacob - I knew you wanted me.
Nick - you want me too.
Andrew - hello there! You're new. And you're hot! Please come back soon.
Dan - but you love it when I tease.
Lo Lo - I find this admission to be highly disturbing.
Jacob - I want you to think about what you just said. Do you really want to be in an inner circle called "the sac?"
Nick - if he wasn't, I sure was.
Kate - your site is finally up again! Yay!
Egan - hush...he's hot.
Phoenix - how come you never invite me over when you watch movies like that? I knew you were a closet perv.
Jaxe - I miss your abs.
Owl - and you are only that much cooler in my eyes for it.
Girl - oooooh...anything by Elvis!
Jacob - hehehe...get em!
Tumbleweed - I'm older than you, so that probably explains the squirting.
BEG - gotta torment the family ..especially during the holidays.
Girl - I bawl my eyes out at the end of that movie every damn time.
you're too good to me, Brooke.
Because I love you Todd. Oh, I owe you an email!
oh brooke, how I love gin and tonics, and when I first read your comment I thought you had been drinking them with YOUR first graders...
Thanks for the bday wishes
i never miss White Christmas every year..to me, nothing says christmas like rosemary clooney and bing crosby drinking egg nog.
Thanks Brooke, that gives me something to look forward to. Although if your squirting means bladder controls issues and not what I thought it meant, then I want no part of it.
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