The common cold. I can feel it coming. Scratchy throat. Achey muscles. Stuffy head. I'm a miserable brat when I'm sick. All I want is chicken soup, saltines, apple juice, Nyquil, and someone to take care of me. I have four out of five of those things.
yeah, i hate it when i run out of chicken soup, too. feel better!
When I'm sick TFG sends me (orders delivery) or brings me vietnamese chicken noodle soup or "pho" its delicious and makes me feel better...
Mackenzie - thank you! When you come back could you bring some chicken soup?
Dan - if you were nice you would bring me some soup and take care of me.
Knitty - I really need to find a man.
I need a man too, if you find one, could you send his hotter brother my way? Hope you get to feelin better!!
Brooke, I would take care of you. All I would ask in return is that you wear something revealing.
dammit! And that 5th one is just so good when you're sick! But curling up on the couch with a blankie, chicken noodle soup, and your favorite tv shows can be really good, too!
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Damnit woman, it's time you learned to take care of yourself! :)
Kidding. Get well soon. And don't give it to the kids. Snotty kids are just too revolting. And you know I'm not kidding.
Ah, Nyquil. The last remaining and most potent drug I've ever done.
Feel Better!
Tumbleweed - I take the hot one. Always.
Todd - I have no problem with that. Get your ass over here.
MoMo - TNT is showing The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers all weekend. So it's me, Viggo, and bed. Oh if only!
Owl - I think the little monsters gave this to me. It's been snot city in my classroom all week.
Dave - I love Nyquil. Truly, madly, deeply.
Getting sick is for losers.
Chicken soup
Apple juice
Someone to take care of me (does that include sex?).
I feel for you baby, I've just recovered from a nasty infection in the chestle area. Not nice. Curl up in bed, sleep too much and feel sorry for yourself. It works wonders.
I'm off to see the Foo Fighters in concert on Sunday. Whoo hoo! Think of me pogo-ing about while you're curled up with a hot drink and a good book.
I was going to say you need Nickles, and then I read his comment.
I'd totally take care of you, if I weren't gimped out on the other side of the country.
if i had a car, didn't have a life I would do just that. but it also means i'm nice, and that can be a stretch.
at least you have viggo.
The common cold requires three things - I've made a very scientific study of this:
1) Rye and ginger ale (alcohol dries up the sinuses and makes you feel jim dandy)
2) excellent literature
3) a cat
Without these, you will suffer unbearably. With them, you will suffer but you'll be kinda happy about it. (Note: the rye & ginger? You want to be merry, not drunk. Excess is NOT the correct approach.)
Additional note: chicken soup will cure the common cold only if you have had enough rye & gingers to convince you that it has. If forced to choose between chicken soup and rye & ginger, go with the rye. Believe me, you'll be thankful you did.
Brooke, you need to find some of that magical fizzie stuff called "Airborne" (not sure on the spelling) and take it when you feel the onset of cold symptoms.
No, it doesn't magically turn into a handsome prince charming, but it will zap the germs and prevent you from getting sick. I swear by it.
Of course, it could all just be in my head... but who cares if it helps me stay healthy?
I got a nasty cough/cold, too. I keep on having coughing fits at night, and I never get to sleep. All my mates ask me whether some chick has been keeping me up at night... if only...
Another folk remedy, as if you are suffering a shortage of advice:
Two tubs of banana cream pudding with vanilla wafers from the Publix deli. Plus a copy of a good magazine. And about 10 hours of sleep, straight through. Hold the alcohol.
Good luck!
Nick - fuck you.
Neil - it always comes back to the sex!
WBB - yesterday there was a Miami Vice marathon on, so I spent the day lying in bed with a box of Kleenex, sleeping, and drooling over Don Johnson in his prime.
Pants - we both seem to be under the weather these days. Hope your foot gets better soon.
Dan - you suck.
Bill - I have never had rye and I never plan to. Isn't that something Frank Sinatra drank?
TRM - this is really my first illness this year, so I count myself lucky among new teachers. I do need to get hold of some Airborne though. I can't wait for vacation!!!
Kallun - see that, we could have smeared Vick's Vapor Rub on each other's chests.
Sunny - that sounds awesome. If only I had someone to go do the shopping for me.
aww, feel better soon {{Brooke}}
I think rye is to Canada what bourbon would be to the States. Each is a whiskey, though I think bourbon involves a lot more corn and rye a lot more rye grain (as the name implies).
Anyway … yeah, you’re talking Sinatra country, I think. It’s what my parents drank when they drank. Their generation was all about rye and other hard liquors. Whenever I would go back east to visit my mother I was barely in the door and she’d have a rye and ginger in my hands.
We sound like a tribe of drunks, but it wasn’t quite that bad. Anyway, the only time I drink it now is when I have a cold or flu. No idea why except, I think, it makes me sufficiently tipsy I feel better. And it does dry the sinuses.
I've been sick too, but not with a cold. Of the variety of "unable to stay awake for longer than two hours straight." I'd bring you some chicken soup. Especially since you live somewhere sunny and warm.
wait... don johnson had a prime?!?!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Poor baby has a cold. Nothing cures a cold better than going out getting drunk and mooning some unsuspecting Christians.
Boo - thanks! Have I mentioned how much I love Nyquil?
Bill - no alcohol for me. Just the Nyquil.
Jill - I'll be heading to Jersey in a week so I'll be back in the cold again. I'm almost afraid.
Dan - Don Johnson was smokin' hot in the Miami Vice days! Smokin!!!
Ruben - you are so going to hell.
I think Nyquil is is alcohol - rye in a pretty box. But I'm guessing. Whatever ... get well soon. These winter sick outages suck.
I don't think any of you actually figured this out, but I'm sick too. Which is why my comment was so funny.
Watch Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. That ought to make your cold go away. It's great to see the girl from Gilmore Girls making out with some Greek guy.
Usually when I have a really bad cold I just get in the hottest shower I can stand and let the mucus drip out all over my body. Its actually very liberating and gives off a healing karma that is undescribable. Also, it in no way feels like mayonnaise, which is a positive!
For some strange reason, I hope you feel better... I hate picking on you when you aren't at full strength! ;-p
When you're out with your honey
and her nose gets runny,
don't think it's funny
'cause it's snot.
Real Me, does that Airborne stuff really work? I took some in September and I've been sick ever since! I feel for you Brooke. Boogers are no laughing matter. And then... when you start hacking up loogies, and if there is no tissue available, or sink, or private area... you have to swallow them.... eewwwwww!
Lots of rest my dear. And when you awake, would you be an angel and email me please? Thanks!
I'm so pleased that Egan brought up the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It gives me a chance to remind everyone that that story is actually based on my life, only instead of a pair of pants, the item in question was a cockring. That's right. I started the
brotherhood of the traveling cockring.
Also, it sucks that you have a cold.
I hear you monkey. No one cares for downing loogies.
Bill - I'm feeling a bit better each day. Thanks.
Nick - losers together. I feel so much better now.
Egan - that's a chick flick!
Jaxe - now I'm just picturing you in the shower.
Prick - I love snot humor. You are so my man.
Monkey - my little monsters were completely covered in boogers today. They were also hocking up loogies like they were making money off them. It was quite disgusting.
Jiggs - is that a chick flick too?
So, I love chick flicks. You got a problem with that. Little Women is my favorite followed by Real Women Have Curves.
In answer to your question Brooke, yes, my life is a chick flick. I spend a lot of time with women and I never get laid. IT'S AWESOME!
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