Well now, everything dies, baby, that’s a fact
But maybe everything that dies someday comes back
Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
And meet me tonight in Atlantic City
I'm home for the holidays! I'm actually in Ventnor, a little town just outside of Atlantic City. But the only way that people know Ventnor is from the Monopoly board. Speaking of which, at one time I lived in the famous Marven Gardens. Yes, there really is such a place.
I do have some pictures that I plan to post showing the spectacular view from mom's place. I would have done that tonight, but I slipped on some ice today and I am hurtin' for certain. My left foot is horribly bruised up, my right knee is skinned and banged up, and my right arm is so sore I'm having trouble typing - though I have no idea why. My right arm had absolutely nothing to do with my fall. I think it's just having sympathy pains. Or looking for sympathy. Whichever. Either way, I could use some good painkillers. I don't think Aleve is going to cut it.

At least I am gimping around in my new cute slippers. Pink UGGs.
I love that they are called "Coquette." I feel so girly, even with all my bruises.
what, bruises aren't girlie?
crap, i better remember that one.
I bet those Uggs are quite coquette. This post is très fascinating by the way. I am happy you weren't hurt worse since that would be a crappy way to spend your holidays.
I am new to your blog and I have to say that i love it. You are a gifted story teller.
I am planning my trip home to Ventnor this week to see the family for Christmas, though it will be weird not going to Maloney's Christmas night. (Side note, I met my wife there in Christmas night, 1994). I am sure that I will get in a dinner at Angelo's and return home with at least 4 whole White House Specials!
Hope your bod heals quickly, though I always find that sickness and injury will haunt my vacation time ubtil I go back to work.
Amen in Flounder.
Kendra - if you say they are girlie, then dammit, they are girlie!
Egan - my foot is getting more swollen by the minute. If it turns out something is broken I'm going to spit.
Flounder -
1. Thank you.
2. I am actually in Ventnor! Freaky.
3. Maloney's is completely bulldozed. I drove by today and got a lump in my throat.
4. Angelo's! White House! I have to hit both of those places too. Do we know each other?
5. Fat drunk and stupid is my favorite line from that movie. Who the hell are you?
"Now there's trouble busin' in from outta state ..." That's not you, is it? No wonder the D.A. can't get no relief.
Oui Brookie, tu es très coquette!
Find someone to kiss the boo-boos under the mistletoe and make it all better.
BTW, I've given up on Viggo and moved on to Jon. He was FABULOUS the other night... are you, by any chance, catching him in action while you're home?
Awww Brooke! You and Ms. Pants both have the "fall down go boom" boo boos. But the UGGs are fabulous. Fabulous I tell you! I hope they help soothe your wounded soul and body.
Do you know how happy I am that you can post from your mom's house? Yipppeeppeeeppeeee!
Bill - you better not be dissing Bruce.
TRM - I may have someone lined up for the mistletoe kiss. I'll keep you posted. As for Jon, I won't be seeing him on this trip. But remind me to write about the time I saw him in concert in Munich.
Oh what a night!
Monkey - I heart you. I truly do.
I heart you too Brooke! Your the cream in my coffee. The twinkle in my eye. The spinach in my teeth...
I love you.
your = you're
The spinach in your teeth!!! Oh my God. I have to tell you a little funny. Whenever my best friend and I would go out, we would always ask each other after we ate, "Do I have any spinach in my teeth?" - even if we hadn't had spinach. It was just our way of asking if anything was in our teeth. Our standard reply to that was always "Yeah, you gonna finish that? Or ya saving it for later?"
You gonna finish that?
I'll trade you Baltic Avenue and the Waterworks for Marvin Gardens. It's a great deal, the hotel on Baltic is very trendy. Whatdya say?
Erm... I'm going to finish it. Allow me to just open up my mouth at the dinner table and do a little dentistry. I hate it when corn or celery gets stuck in between my lower molars. I absolutely CANNOT concentrate until it is gone. Gone I tell you!!
You and your friend sound lovely. Simply divine.
you're such s klutz. it's ok though, bruises heal. and at least your boobies didn't get hurt.
Dave - sweetie, I'm a local. You can't pull that crap with me.
Monkey - we are a pair of classy broads. I could tell you stories that would set your fur on fire!
Dan - I appreciate how you are always watching out for my boobies. My boobies appreciate it too. They told me so.
Looks like there's a little Monkey and Brooke love fest going on. You two need to get a room.
Dan-e, glad you made the Monopoly jokes. I was avoiding them.
Ha Ha, you fell!
Dis Bruce? Darlin', I've been listening to Bruce since before Born to Run. I saw Bruce in a 4 hour show in Ottawa, December 1975 when he was on the Born to Run tour. (Mind you, I was pretty blitzed at the time.) Saw him several other times over the years too.
Shall we also talk about Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes? Or Miami Steve van Zant (aka Little Steven and the Disciples of Soul)?
Gee ... I should shuddup. This makes me feel old. (How odd ... Somewhere in the background I'm hearing Tom Waits singing "Jersey Girl.")
I want UGGs so bad. Glad to hear that you are home for a few days. Rest up from that beatdown on the ice. You poor thing! Hope you feel better soon. :)
Nick - was that a Ha-ha like Nelson Muntz? It'd better be!
Brooke - Sorry you fell. You know what'll stop the aches and pains? A big fat dooby.
"Coquette" - Nickname for all of the South Carolina Game Cocks women's varsity teams?
Maloney's is bulldozed? At least we still have death and taxes to look forward to!
You can probably add a Baltimore Grill pizza to the White House and Angelos.
I'm just a 36 year old guy that grew up in the Waterview Townhouses, delivered pizzas for JoJo's for four years, and played football at ACHS 83-86. I don't think that we know each other, but we probably ran in some of the same circles.
Bill - I was always a fan of Clarence Clemmons and the Red Bank Rockers myself.
Take care of yourself, SMG. Black ice is just one reason I loves me some Bermuda shorts Christmas.
I hope you feel better soon, Brookie-poo.
Oh, no! I hope you feel better soon! Because in NJ you're much closer to me and that means so too is the Sticky Toffee Pudding. My mom bought be a pair of Uggs but I'm not allowed to touch them until Christmas. I feel like a 10 year old. Mine are called Rock Star.
I practically invite all of blogosphere to meet me tonight in Atlantic City and not one taker! What is up with that!
Egan - ssshhhh...we are trying to be discreet.
Nick - ha ha, you smell!
Bill - we Jersey Girls are a special breed. You don't hear any songs about Kansas chicks.
Marel - thank you! I feel much better today! I had a lovely jacuzzi last night and that seemed to do the trick. It was either that or the three Grand Marniers I had.
WBB - I think you need to come to AC this week and bring the doobies.
Flounder - oh for fuck's sake. We ordered JoJo's last night. I graduated in 83, so we just missed each other. But I'm guessing we know many of the same people. A little scary. Where are you living these days?
JJ - some SMB you are. You should have been here to ice down my ankle and take advantage of me while I was stuck on the couch.
Todd - thank you love.
Jill - ooooh Rock Star. I will have to look those up. I have two pair of UGG boots that I bought in the early 90s before anyone thought they were cool. In fact, I was made fun of for wearing them. I'm so ahead of my time! Sticky Toffee Pudding recipe will be coming soon. Promise.
Your left arm has my sympathy!
There are too songs about Kansas chics! Neil Diamond "Kansas City" and....well, okay that's all I got. We always have the Wizard of OZ!!
Wish I could go to Atlantic City, I don't get out much!!
i am famous for falling on my ass. hope you are feeling less banged up today. have fun being home. :)
If you went to AC, then you might know my step-sister, Lisa Zenni.
Oh, the words that rhyme with Nick...
so telling. So appropriate.
I love slippers.
Discrete my ass! I want to yell our love that shall not be named to the entire world! Monkey loves Brooke! There... I said it.
The Chicken Man, Phil Testa, got blown up in 1981. I was in 6th grade at the time with a kid named Joe Festa, and everyone in the school thought that it was his family that got blown up. (Side note: We went to St Michael's in AC, across the street from Little Nicky Scarfo's house. Scarfo is the one that killed Testa's boss Angelo Bruno the year before.)
I almost slipped on some ice today too!! But then I realized it was 75 degrees and the water wasn't actually frozen. ;-)
Heal fast and stay warm.
Monkey & Brooke. K I S S I N G. First comes love....then comes something I can't remember.... in a tree.
Tumbleweed - you are very kind. My left arm thanks you, though it's my right arm that is injured. I don't get out much either. I think we all need a night on the town.
Sizz - unfortunately I fell on my face. I forgot to mention the little scab I have on my chin. It's very attractive. If I had fallen on my ass the padding would have protected me from most injuries.
Flounder - I don't recognize the name. I do remember little Nicky though. That's all I'm going to say on that. Oh, I'm having a Dino's sub as I write this. Too cold to go all the way uptown!
Ubie - I already told him I'm calling him Dick from now on. Or I could call him Little Nicky. I think I like that one.
Monkey - we are united in our fingerlessness! Let love rule!!!
Prick - living up to your name as well. Lucky for you I love you anyway.
Egan - you are so gay.
Gotta love any blogger that begins a post with Bruce. I am a former Jersey girl (25 years) dropped in the middle of the south now - great blog.
be careful out there, brooke! i have some extra vicodin somewheres...
ill kiss your bruises aby..seeing as im your girlfriend and all..
I'm not that gay Brooke. But I do confess to love affair with 90210 and The Wizard of Oz.
You better take care of yourself Ms. Wose. The kids are counting on you. Feel better!
Shit, Brooke. Be careful. Next time, go out with knee pads and a helmet.
Wendy - Jersey girls always welcome. Please come back soon.
SD - you are a meanie! I fell flat on my face! I have a little scab on my chin! You're just laughing harder now aren't you.
Darth - please send them. Better yet, come on over to AC and bring them!
Lilred - you are the first person to offer to kiss it and make it better. You are such a good girlfriend.
Egan - homo.
Girl - Thank goodness my foot felt better today. I had horrible images in my mind of hobbling around my classroom on crutches.
Neil - yes, then I can be the retarded girl who shows up on the little bus.
If you are in Ventnor, why did you go to Dino's and not Sacco's? Seems like a curious choice to me. One more thing that I am craving from up here in CT... A piping hit cup of Wawa coffee with the Philly Daily News. Oh, Heaven!
Damn I can't type on a laptop!!! I meant Hot, not hit!
Flounder - that is an excellent question. There are several reasons I chose Dino's over Sacco's. I went to school with the guys that own Dino's now, so I feel a certain loyalty there. I was also in Margate getting my rye bread from Casel's and my chocolate from Jagielky's.
But of course, the first place I went this morning before all of these errands was WaWa...for my coffee. Mmmmmmm. Jealous?
Where the hell is your blog?
If Flounder has a blog, then I am gay.
We have already established your gayness, Egan.
Find Flounder's blog, I dare you.
First, yeah I'm jealous!
As for a blog, I am slowly but surely working on that. I am also building a nursery for our son who is due in March, refinishing my basement and getting everything ready for my trip to Jersey. Hopefully, I'll have something up by the end of the week.
Flounder, I'm on my way out for WaWa coffee. I also had a piece of Regular for breakfast. I love being home!!!
48 hours from now I'll be having my coffee at the Wawa on Dorsett Ave, next to the roller rink and Adele's, and just down the street from Dorsett Burger! Perhaps I will even order a case of beer to be delivered from Blooms.
Yeah, I know that they are all gone, but damn I've got a great memory!
I can't wait to see your blog Flounder. Until then I am as straight as they come.
It's been a slow day here at work, so a blog is born! Sorry Egan, I guess that you are now as queer as a football bat!
We have already established Egan's gayness. It's now for the world to discover.
Marvin Gardens ... yellow right?
I'm moving to Park Place
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