Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Teacher Humor


Spinning Girl said...

That is so true.
Ahhh, I love educating the youth.
Also, did I mention I am on vaca?

Scarlet Hip said...

I need a vacation so bad right now I could scream.

Ok, I just screamed.

By the way, I move back to Jersey this summer. You and I need to meet up somewhere in between and have a cocktail or five.

Melanie was here said...

If you need a vacation you should come and visit Lo Lo and me. You can even stay in Casa de Mel. Ask Ubie, I won't violate you or anything....if you don't want me to!

Are you not coming over because I have word verification? I'll take it off tomorrow!

Glad you are back, Brooke :-)

Melanie was here said...

And by the way, it only took me 8 hours in a snow storm to drive to Jersey so I'm so coming to take your ass out for a cocktail...with Lo Lo...and Ubie....and maybe Nick.

Melanie was here said...

And by the way, it only took me 8 hours in a snow storm to drive to Jersey so I'm so coming to take your ass out for a cocktail...with Lo Lo...and Ubie....and maybe Nick.

Melanie was here said...

and i am overly excited and posted twice. yay!

Ubermilf said...

You'd get your own bedroom and shower and everything!

If you don't mind doggies barking at you when you get up to go to the bathroom at 3 a.m.

flounder said...

A Jersey Shore party with Brooke, Ubie, Mel, LoLo and Nick? Where do I sign up?

flounder said...

Oh yeah, back to the comment that I originally meant to post...

"If the kid don't know shit, you must acquit."

Bill said...

Who can we soon for engendering stupid people? What about entire families? Can I sue an entire family for stupidity? I think a good case could be made for that.

So how do you feel about going back to Jersey? Good thing? Bad thing? Uncertain thing? (Yes, you've probably posted about that but I my memory sucks. I'm old, I'm old. I think I wear my trousers rolled.)

jiggs said...

being stupid isn't a right. It's a privilidje.


Thérèse said...


You know, it's almost possible to believe that someone actually would try it...

Anonymous said...

Brooke, I'm screaming with you!
I'm counting down... May 7 - Key Largo... me and 4 other women... OK, I'm fully aware that as a teacher you'll tell me that was horrible English and I know! But still...

Can you say Margaritaville?!

Cincysundevil said...

Wow .... we lawyers really are bad news.

egan said...


Tumbleweed said...

Let's get away from it all together! I know we could have fun, plus 2 heads are better than one when on a man hunt! BTW, stupid kids suck...they grow up to be stupid adults!

dizzy von damn! said...

egan is a wiseacre.

i don't do the mathy stuff.

Anonymous said...

Egan stole my comment.

I used to teach high school. Some of those kids are so dumb by the time they reach Junior year, it's a wonder that they can tie their shoelaces without asking for help.

Sorry, it's true.

Unknown said...

That sounds about right. MLA spends most of her time doing documentation for the inevitable lawsuits.

egan said...

Sad thing is I did the math longhand and screwed up on one of three. Next time I'm just going to use a calculator because it's easier than carrying ones and shit.

babyjewels said...

I'm going to sue duncan donuts for violating my right to be thin.

egan said...

You said "Duncan Donuts" BabyJewels. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's right. You don't want kids feeling as though they're failing, so let's make everyone a winner.

Argh, I can feel a rant coming on!

Scarlet Hip said...

Mel - you better get your ass to Jersey when I move back! And bring the gang. We'll all drink ourselves stupid and get Nick laid. Yay!

Ubie - I love doggies. And I love going to the bathroom. It's a perfect vacation.

Lucky - he does? Thank you, I had no idea. Is his wife going to kick my ass now?

Flounder - you will so be there. I say we take them to the Greenie deck and get a few buckets.

Bill - imagine, making the families responsible for their children! What a concept! I am looking forward to moving back - but the idea of actually moving makes me want to vomit.

Jiggs - yay for shtoopidity!!!

Therese - oh there are stories I have heard that would set your hair on fire.

Scarlet Hip said...

TRM - I should come down and crash your party for a night. Do you like how I just invited myself to do that?

Mack - as my grandmother used to say, "The world needs ditch diggers too."

Cincy - if you ever take a case like that I'll beat you up. Then you can sue me.

Egan - you're such a math geek.

Weedie - I've told you before, I'm there! You should come to Jersey this summer too.

Miss K - surprisingly, my kids adore math. I can actually threaten them with not doing math as punishment. It's true.

TF - I tell my kids now that they are going to college. They are in first grade and I'm already pushing them - hopefully it will stick and they won't wind up like your old students.

JJ - we live in a fucked up world. I blame the lawyers. Except for Cincy, he'd never do that sort of thing - if he knows what's good for him.

Egan - did you ever have TF as a teacher?

BabyJ - I'm going to sue Angelina Jolie for violating my right to fuck Brad Pitt.

Egan - dunkin, duncan...dunk dunk dunk hook hook.

WBB - go for it! I want to hear a good rant!

egan said...

I was home schooled.

thephoenixnyc said...

My mom and sister are both teachers, you have my sympathy.

Scarlet Hip said...

Egan - that explains so much about you.

Phoenix - see? We are perfect for each other.

Sandra said...

Can I sue my work because they're violating my right to relax all day?

GrandPooOfAwesome said...

ugh, this cartoon makes me queezy. :/

FindingHeart said...

Still think we are missing a boat in education. We shouldn't have stopped teaching Latin. We should be teaching it in elementary school so when they get to the obligitory "I'm gonna sue you" stage, they will be able to start drafting their own letters. No Lawyer Left Behind!

It's a sad commentary....