At exactly 10:00 pm I slipped between the sheets, skin scented with milk and honey and tired muscles totally relaxed. I actually felt myself sinking into the bed, that wonderful drowsy state totally taking over my body. It wasn't long before I was drifting off into a well-deserved and blissful sleep...
Load up on guns...bring your’s fun to lose...and to pretend
What the hell is that. Do not tell me that is Nirvana. Do not tell me that one of my fucking neighbors chooses this night of all nights to blast their fucking stereo. Please no. Ok..give them a minute to realize that this is a school night and that it's a bit too loud...they'll turn it down...
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. I stood up and threw my window open, ready to unleash my inner Jersey girl. It was obvious that the music was coming from one of the boats docked outside the building, and I realized it was not really that loud after all. It was just loud enough to be like an insistent mosquito buzzing around my ears. And there was this other sound too - running water. So one of these fucking boat people was washing down their boat and blasting Nirvana at 10:00 at night. Sonofafuckingbitch.
With the Lights's less we are now...entertain us...
I followed the sound to the sloop just outside my window. It wasn't someone washing their boat. It was someone washing himself. A man. A real live honest to goodness, hard-bodied, tanned and perfect male specimen - taking a shower on the dock - with a hose.
Thank you God.

God is mean.
Sleep forgotten, I leaned on my arms and settled in comfortably against my windowsill for a good old fashioned perv session. I couldn't see his face, but I couldn't have cared less. His body was like a sculpture. A wet, almost naked, soapy sculpture. My inner Jersey girl was now shouting, "Take it off!!!" in my head, and I practically bit my tongue to keep it from popping out of my mouth.
I found it hard... it's hard to find ...oh well whatever nevermind...
He took it off. I saw butt.
God is good.
It struck me that sleep was not the only thing that I have been sorely lacking in my life. My mind was moving a mile a minute. I wonder if he's single... I really need a boyfriend...screw getting a boyfriend...too much work...can't we just make love like crazed weasels...which boat is that one of the guys that I accidently flashed back in June...
I was so lost in my little reverie that I almost didn't realize that he had turned the water off and was drying off. Bummer, the show was almost over. I smiled, thinking what a nice and unexpected distraction this had been. And that's when he looked up and locked eyes with me.
For a second I froze, mortified that I had been caught so obviously perving on him. And then he smiled, a really big, really happy smile. I smiled back, laughing and embarassed, and pulled my window shut. I could hear him saying, "Oh come on...don't go!" as the window slammed closed.
I jumped back in bed, giggling to myself. I could still hear him trying to get me to come back to the window. I couldn't help but wonder what he had in mind. Was he going to try to convince me to come down and bang him on his boat? Did he want to flash me some more? Hmmmm....I was just curious of course...really curious. I got up from the bed and was just about to open my window again when I looked down and realized why I could still hear him begging me to come back.
I was stark naked.
God is mean.
I feel stupid...and we are now...entertain us...
And you TEACH with that mind??:) Umm, been a while for me also.... write some more!! LOL!
I was rooting for you to go back to the window and eventually do the crazed weasel thing with him. That's hilarious!
i'm betting that before the end of the year you will have flashed everyone in your neighborhood.
Accidental Flash, Part Deux!
BTW - The Jersey girl in you would have been so pissed off that her sleep was disturbed that she would have heaved an iron at the guy before she ever noticed what was going on.
Just saying.
Brooke, all of those times I publicly asked for boobie pics and got nothing from you, and you're flashing the entire state of Florida. I'm crying inside.
The next time my neighbours play their music too loud and I have to go down and knock on their door at 3 a.m., I'm going to do it bare-assed naked!
my oh my I need a shower after that post!
I'm still laughing!
If he was begging you to come back, and he had seen you naked, that is a good thing. I would also like to commend you for not breaking down and spending the rest of the evening getting banged in a boat.
Speaking of sleep...
this was like reading a letter to penthouse forum.
Oh my gawd!
pant. pant. pant.
mosquitos are HAWT.
"Dear Naked Balcony Chick,
Thank you for the show. I was hoping to find a chick who shared my love of Nirvana and nudity. Feel frre to come down to the boat dock next time.
Naked Boat Showering Guy
P.S. You still look as good as you did back in June"
Lucky Boat Guy! He'll be cranking up the Nirvana even louder now...he's been rewarded!
you should have gone out there. he was naked too.
You so should've went down there! Great story though! (P.S. I don't wear Speedo's .. wink, wink)
I think you should have gone down (tee hee), too. He was naked; you were naked; there were only a few steps missing. Plus, he was totally digging your nakedness, as you were digging his nakedness. You could have been naked together.
I'm going to have to take my boat by your window more often. That's all there is to it.
He's probably gay.
This is like a DOUBLE accidental flash! ha!
brooke, how could you back down from an invitation like that? i'm disappointed in you! what a great show. the only people who blast music outside of my house in the middle of the night are waiting to partake in... uh... business transactions. scrawny little boys with too much attitude and not enough perv-worthiness.
FH - I do teach with this mind. Scary huh?
Candace - welcome! Maybe if I hadn't been so tired....or if it had been 20 years ago...
Brando - I seem to be well on my way to that goal. Maybe it will get me some.
Flounder - we in South Jersey are a bit more refined than our northern counterparts. Only a bit. You know that.
Todd - you leave in the boobie capital of the world. You don't need my tired old boobies cluttering up your inbox.
Bill - that will make an excellent post. I look forward to reading about that. And your arrest.
Knitty - don't say shower...
Janet - welcome! My days of having sex with strangers ended long ago. Pity really.
CHG - normally I don't approve of Speedos...but in this case I think they were simply for modesty purposes. Thank God the modesty didn't last.
Jiggs - only there was no sex. And it really happened.
SG - hawt hawt hawt!!
Squidly - if I had gotten that note on my door I'd be down on that boat right now!
Gwen - welcome! I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I should blast my stereo tonight...
Miss K - it's just a good thing it was dark and he didn't get a really good look at me.
hangthedj - welcome! Can you patent porn? That would be so cool...
Cincy - but I'm saving myself for you babe. And major points for not having Speedos. I'm taking notes.
TF - it was dark. He did not see my full nakedness. Had he seen my lower half, he'd have run screaming into the night.
JJ - well it's about time!
Ubie - no doubt. Probably wanted to know where to get some good lingerie for his weekend show.
Neil - I'm not that kind of girl! Well not lately anyway...
MoMo - when did I become such an accidental flasher! It must be the heat.
Jill - there are boys everywhere here. Everywhere. Unfortunately they are looking for perfect 10's. I am a perfect...5? Perhaps.
Brooke, I was really hoping to read that you went down and f'd his brains out... you being naked is even better - you'll be kicking yourself over this for months to come.
My sympathies!
what! you mean that the story i read about a bus full of hot 18 year old cheerleaders breaking down in front of a guy's house never really happened! My life is ruined! I have nothing to live for!
You really have to stop reading letters from Penthouse.
And as you were thinking, "God is mean," he was down on the dock thinking, "God is REALLY good."
fun stuff.
Brooke, you should have gone back to the window. He'd already seen you naked and you could have gotten to see that hard body from a much closer distance. Think of how good you'd sleep after some wild sex. :D
You so should have gone back! :) Don't you hate when you forget you're naked? Just yesterday, I sit down on the kitchen chair to make a phone call--in my head, I'm like, "maybe I should close these blinds now. hmm." :) And, I'm glad that your mother is doing better. :)
Damn. There's no Internet access in the holding cell!
Can my people talk to your people? Because I'd like to use this as a "cute meet" in my next romantic comedy spec...
That's the best post I've read in a really long time.
I'm so in love with the idea of part two.
Why is it that we can't just throw caution to the wind and do what we really need to do?
And we really need to.
Lucky - this was not meant to be pornographic, it was meant to show what an incredible dolt I am.
TRM - 20 years ago I'd have been down there with a bottle of red and rose between my teeth.
Jiggs - you got me baby!
Sysm - no way dude.
Femme - now I like that thought.
Princess - he didn't see me really naked, trust me. He'd have run screaming.
Marel - I hate when I forget I'm naked! Oh shit. I'm naked now.
Bill - God is good.
Mernit - welcome! Have your people call my people.
JB - Welcome! Marley is cool...but not really for sex.
Kat - thank you. You are such a always know just what to say.
thanks for the big ass smile... sorry, I just had to use 'ass' in a sentence
That's the best story I've heard in a long time! Should be a great party story for you for years to come.
Hell, that doesn't sound like God is mean... it sounds like he was looking out for you.
That is the best story ever.
MQ - I like ass.
Gnomey - I have a flashing problem. It's getting rather embarassing.
Michelle - I know who you are... *wink*
Olaf - doesn't God see everything? So obviously I flash him all the time.
Lynn - you are far too kind.
Lucky - I'm an idiot! But entertaining if nothing else.
God, I wish something like that would happen to me.
Jeez! Whay can't something like that happen to me? All I get to hear is the Asian mother and daughter dysfunctional duo fighting incessantly...and not even in English! Naked showering buff boys...thanks for the imagery.
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