Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Face of Vegemite

Brooke: circa 1992
Little Miss Knit, let this be a lesson to you. Back away from the Vegemite. You don't want anyone to see you making this face. Ever.


Knitty Kitty said...

thank you brooke.
the vegemite will forever live in my fridge, untouched.

Scarlet Hip said...

You don't even need to put it in the fridge. I've had a jar on my shelf for about 10 years and it still smells, looks, and tastes exactly the same as the first day I opened it. I think Vegemite has a longer shelf life than Twinkies.

Ubermilf said...

I peanut butter.

Ubermilf said...


Scarlet Hip said...

I do too. Unfortunately the only thing that peanut butter and Vegemite have in common is that they are both spread on bread.

ChickyBabe said...

Hot bod!

Oh yeah, there's a vegemite and a face in there too. The stuff isn't that bad if I can stomach it when I'm nauseous (the only time I eat it!)

Loz said...

Brooke, there is about 50 times the normal amount of vegemite on that piece of bread! you crazy risk taker. you're living life on the edge, man!
I would like to add that Vegemite is the world's richest known source of vitamin B, and has NO fat or calories in it. Peanut butter cannot say the same!!

egan said...

Brooke is this another sweet picture from the past? I have no idea what vegemite tastes like. You or any other Aussies or those living down under want to give it a shot?

Loz said...

egan: it's basically beef extract. it's really salty and intense and strange... if used sparingly it's really good but if you use too much it tastes like a cow went and died on your toast.

Mone said...

-on the shelf for 10 years- like the homepage say's -fascinating history- with beef extract- yuk

flounder said...

Is there a face in that picture?

Scarlet Hip said...

Chicky - my ex from Oz told me that this stuff was beautiful. He also said the first night we spent together was beautiful. Is it any wonder that we didn't get married?

Loz - I later learned that this was an abnormally large amount of yeast extract on my toast. Clearly my friend there was having a good bit of fun at my expense.

Egan - yes, this is a very old shot. Vegemite is yeast extract, and it taste like salt infused ka-ka.

Loz - I did actually learn to eat it sparingly, which pleased the love of my life greatly. Not enough to actually marry me though.

Mone - it's clearly an acquired taste. Everything else about Australia was just perfect.

Flounder - there is. And it is just horrible.

Modigliani said...

Vegemite - yucky

Brooke in a bikini - Wowie! :)

yournamehere said...

I'd eat Vegemite to get to Brooke in that bikini. Oh yeah.

Scarlet Hip said...

MoMo - please keep in mind that is a very old picture. I couldn't get my ass in that bikini now with a shoehorn. And let's face it, my ass wasn't that small back then either.

Todd - see response to MoMo. And no, I'm not drunk.

Bill said...

Vegemite. Shoehorns. This is all very disturbing.

I'm happy to say I've neither tasted nor even seen Vegemite, though I've heard many urban myths about it.

I'll stick with Canada's maple syrup, thank you.

Joey Polanski said...


Izzat th stuff they use t BLAST vegtibbles outta th groun?

Fella said...

Get it? Get it?

dizzy von damn! said...

that's very alluring.

Scarlet Hip said...

Bill - if you've never been to Australia, then there is no need to ever try Vegemite.

Joey - yo. You talk good.

Nick - I get it. I get it!

Miss Kendra - thank you.

Scarlet Hip said...

Lou, you're a tool.

Spinning Girl said...

Your mullet makes me scream inside my head. A primal scream of joy!

Scarlet Hip said...

No no no!!! Those are bangs, and the rest is pulled back with a barette! Granted it's a bad hair day, but it is not a mullet! Never never never! It's just a very bad case of bedhead!

Scarlet Hip said...

Lou - you are a drug addled tool.

Chuck - you are a rednecked tool.

Jake - bite me.

Sandra said...

Ahh, Brooke. I've experienced the salty, vitamin B-laden wonder that is Vegemite and all I have to say is: never again, unless in a REALLY thin layer on toast with eggs. It's the only way it's stomachable.

Maddie said...

You make me want to eat Vegemite.

Dan-E said...

i'm pretty sure i once saw rosie o'donnell with the same (mullet) hairdo. welcome back.

jiggs said...

RUFF! I don't think you have a mullet. Ironically, I made a post about a mullet without knowing that this hot picture of you was here.

Loz said...

at last, sandra is the voice of reason. now THERE'S a lady who knows her tar-like condiments!

Loz said...

OHHHHH, and vegemite is also great if you're making gravy, it makes it taste MEATIER.
anyone who has ever put anchovy paste on any of their food should not cast aspersions on vegemite.

gumushel said...

nobody has asked why you're wearing that bikini at night ;)

KJ said...

OK - so Loz did a crap job of defending Australia, so it looks like I have to do it.

Vegemite is fantastic. If you really want to eat something vomit-inducing, try Marmite. Loz is right on one thing, though - you do seem to have too much vegemite on that toast. Try a spread of 50% butter and 50% vegemite at first, and see how it goes.

Personally, I don't eat it. But then I have a reason - when I was young, mum went on this crazy 'Vegemite & Lettuce' diet, and being 6 years old, I was a bit young to protest. So in my school lunches, I would find sandwiches with vegemite & lettuce... everyday... I don't eat vegemite anymore for this reason.

But everyone else should.

thephoenixnyc said...

Don't listen to them Brooke. I LIKE your mullet.

The Dummy said...

Gosh that looks so good I think I'll give my favorite annoying aunt that for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

When I was in sixth grade(surprisingly enough, around 1992, when your picture was taken), I had a pen pal in Australia. I asked him to send me vegemite. I ate it. I puked. I stopped having an Australian pen pal.

Thérèse said...

You know, I have already resolved to stalk your blog. You really don't need to add more reasons for me to do it.

And in any case. The message is clear here. Vegemite is obviously evil and you shouldn't make pretty girls eat it. Ever.

babyjewels said...

Vegemite sounds yucky, I'll definitely take your word. And wow, I'm surprised Jeffrey didn't bite you! You look Hawt.

Scarlet Hip said...

Sandra - if it was a thin shmear - with butter - I could handle it. I may have to try some of it again to see if that still holds true.

Pants - that was not the intent of this post.

Neil - the real question is, why did anyone invent this in the first place? Go to the Vegemite site for details.

Dan - a bad hair day does not equal a mullet. A mullet is a bad hair day everyday.

Jiggs - ruff ruff! It must be fate. I'll be over to check out your mullet post shortly.

Loz - I hope you will still love me after all of this Vegemite bashing. Please remember I do still have a jar on my shelf for old times' sake.

Lake - because it was the morning you doofus.

Kallun - I didn't do the shmear here - this was like my second week in Australia. I wasn't wise to the ways of Vegemite yet. Half butter does make it edible - but anything with half butter is wonderful.

Phoenix - I refuse to answer the mullet comments anymore. But hey, if you like it that makes it almost worth it....

DD - and tell her to spread it on good and thick too!

TF - you were in sixth grade in 1992? Fuck you.

Therese - I love it when you stalk me. It's true. I do.

BabyJ - those were the hawt days. But of course, I was convinced I was a fat load when this was taken.

egan said...

Loz - thanks for the description. Sounds like something right up my alley. I love weird food, except seafood. I will almost any food once including that nasty Scottish blood pudding.

dizzy von damn! said...

i did not chat with her for more than a few minutes... and she was drunk....

it doesn't count.

i swear.

Anonymous said...

Vegemite, as far as I'm aware, is actually a yeast extract and not beef extract. Hence the name. It is a residue from the brewing process.

Marmite is the British, and therefore, far superior version of vegemite. One thing I'll agree with my antipodean cousins with is that was far, far too much on that slice of toast. Yuck!

As Loz said it's rammed with vitamin b12.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, welcome back!

Scarlet Hip said...

Egan - you need to try it. Go on. Give it a try.

Miss Kendra - I may have to go back to men.

WBB - you Commonwealth people and your extracts.

Jake - you wish.

Anonymous said...

My extract is yummy, if a bit salty!

Cincysundevil said...

No vegemite will ever set foot in our lovenest! That is a promise!

Cincysundevil said...

I'll condition that ... you keep wearing skimpy outfits and no Vegemite will grace our cuppards or fridge.

Loz said...

WBB: correct you are, i don't know why i thought beef instead of yeast. both of these items have nasty connotations anyhow.

the only decent way to eat vegemite is by buttering the toast generously while it's still hot. melted butter is essential. then you spread the vegemite on so that there are patches of toast that don't even have any vegemite on it. less is more. maybe i should make some perfect toast and post photos. you all care that much about it, right?

jiggs said...

You know it just occurred to me that my "ruff" could be misinterpreted as a statement suggesting that the person I'm ruffing at is doglike. Quite the contrary however, as I only ruff at hot chicks that are scantily clad.

Anonymous said...

Smoking hot... even with the "ick" face.


Anonymous said...

Loz - I agree 100% with your recipe for perfect vege/marmite on toast. In fact I think I might go and have a slice right now.

Maddie said...

By Vegemite I meant YOU!

Anonymous said...

I may have been in Seventh Grade in '92. Either way, I was 12 years old.

Anonymous said...

Haven't I seen this/spoken to you about this before?

egan said...

Bring on more nakedness! Let's see what else I can say to produce funny search engine results. Brooke loves Flowbees.

Thérèse said...

D'you know... even after all of these comments (and believe me: like any good stalker I've been reading them all religiously), I'm not exactly sure what Vegemite exactly is, other than a disgusting foul-tasting spread.

I may have to buy some now out of curiousity.

egan said...

TayRez - think of bat guano on a cracker.

Damien said...

Yikes Vegemite, give me marmite or give me death

darth said...

whoa. who's the babe?

Bill said...

Hello ... I seem to have gotten lost amid posts. Is this the one about the Vegemite? I must start wearing my glasses when I do this ...

egan said...

Hey, how did things go today Brooke? Your mom okay?

flounder said...

How is moms doing?

babyjewels said...

Hi Brooke, Hope all is well. xo

Spirit Of Owl said...

I hear that in Guantanamo Bay they make them strip down and eat vegemite.

Wait a minute! I want to buy a ticket! I love eating vegemite naked!