Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Word Cloud

Make your own word cloud. Thanks once again to SG!

*The tiny words you can't see are (in alphabetical order): beach, bed, boyfriend, complete (?), computer, fun, funny, hate, missed, modigli, neil, pants, pet, profile, shit, shy, travel, viggo, and wrong. I can't believe twat wasn't on there!


Anonymous said...

love line #2 big bill blog blogger boy, but the first one: ache ass babbling bar' woohoo

thephoenixnyc said...

My eye keeps going back to "ass"

darth said...

ass babbling? HOT.

flounder said...

Awwwwwww. I'm in your cloud! I feel so special!

egan said...

Better yet: Brooke, Calzone, Egan, and Gay are all together. I think all posts on this blog contain the word gay somewhere in the post or in the comments. Thanks for sharing the love Brooke, with an E.

dizzy von damn! said...

i'm gonna pretend that that "miss" is for me.

Bill said...

Cool ... "ass babbling bar." I also like that "better big bill blog."

I did the word cloud thing the other day. Mine started with "alberta ass" and contained "dignity doubt," which caused me some concern.

(There seems to be a lot of ass in these clouds.)

Monkey said...

"monkey naked"...

Of course I'm naked! I'm a monkey.

This is beautiful Brooke. As are you my ham twat. Happy Belated Valentine's Day. My head hurts.

Scarlet Hip said...

MQ - it's all very confusing. And lude.

Phoenix - anytime babe.

Mack - yeah, adorable.

Darth - I should have named my blog that.

Flounder - which pretty much means you're a stalker.

Egan - no worries mate.

Miss K - who else would it be for? You and only you.

Bill - everyone is looking for some ass.

Monkey - thank you. Mine too.

flounder said...

Yeah I am!

Ubermilf said...

I feel like puking.

That has nothing to do with your post.

Maddie said...

Am I between 'pain' and 'penis'?

(That didn't sound right.)

Scarlet Hip said...

Flounder - you could have at least brought a bucket of Rocks with you.

Ubie - I'm on my way.

Pants - that is indeed you! I tried to make you bigger but it wouldn't let me!

Knitty Kitty said...

i did mine but it was just insane..

Maddie said...

It's kind of ironic that I'm in a pain/penis sandwich, considering that I'm saving my flower for marriage.

Maddie said...
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babyjewels said...

I like how egan is sandwiched between calzone and gay. nice job.

Scarlet Hip said...

Knitty - insanity is in. Haven't you heard? Go with it. Let it wash over you like warm buttah.

Pants - that thud you just heard was my (enormous) ass hitting the ground. Did you just say "I'm saving my flower for marriage?" Did you really use the word flower?

BabyJ - if I had control over the way these words were set up, do you think I would be between breakfast and calzone?

ChickyBabe said...

Kewl stuff!! I see "Egan" and "gay" are close... ;P

Mine spelt out sone of the names of my blog crushes for all to see!

Brandon said...

at first i was sad that i didn't see my name, but i looked again and there it was:


Modigliani said...

Oh! I see me, I see me!!! There I am in your word cloud! Awwwww.... that was cool. :)

Monkey said...

Would you like to share my migraine meds Brooke? I just took some and now I may be able to watch "Project Runway" tonight without wincing. My life is so exciting.

egan said...

Brando - we may have to fight for that word.

Scarlet Hip said...

Chicky - poor Egan. Even the word clouds know he's gay.

Brando - your name would have been right by mine if you showed up here once in a while. Penis!

MoMo - you are one of my oldest blog buddies. You better be there.

Monkey - I'll just take a bubble bath and watch Lost. Thanks though. Mine too.

Egan - we were just talking about you.

Maddie said...

My flower is pure and clean, just like the sunrise on a feminine hygeine commercial. I actually told a guy that last year (while we were making out in the back row of a movie theater).

Spinning Girl said...

I like how "ass" is huge. As an ass should be.

jiggs said...

Yay I made your wordcloud!

Brian said...

I like calzone....


Anonymous said...

Very cool. I could get it to post to my blog. But, I liked the result. :)

Bill said...

Insanity is the new political chic. Let's go quail hunting!

Scarlet Hip said...

Egan - hot.

Pants - and what was his response to that? Did he fall on his ass too?

SG - it is a pretty frickin big ass.

Jiggs - yay!

Brian - ummmm. Ok.

Marel - you just need to save the picture and then post it. It doesn't come out too clear though - too small.

Bill - right!

Tumbleweed said...

I am so glad you got me in there! If you didn't know....I'm ass ache.

Maddie said...

He grabbed my boobs.

egan said...

You're going to Hollywood dogg.

My spirit has been broken.

Anonymous said...

Well, (she says in a huff) I guess I know where I stand!

Anonymous said...

My only consolation is that Mr. VegassTodd isn't there either.

egan said...

The Real Me - are you crying? Ah, la vie ce n'est pas juste! Mon dieu, mon café est froid.

Scarlet Hip said...

Weed - in other words, pain in the ass. You are so not.

Pants - I would have done the same thing.

Egan - well you better clean it up, I don't want that mess in here.

TRM - I don't make 'em. I just post 'em.

Egan - is this why your spirit is broken? Because your coffee is cold? You big pussy.

Mack - it's true. It's true.

egan said...

The word cloud is just an alphabetizing mother fucker.

kris said...

i love it. love the props to the motherland.

and i can't wait to drink wine with you too! :)

Anonymous said...

you have the best links.

Damien said...

Liking that idea Brookster, hmmmm
why do my eyes keep on focusing on the word 'GAY', i think i just got outed by your word cloud.

egan said...

Hey you, get off of my cloud...

Anonymous said...

A word cloud just isn't a word cloud without a "twat"...

I feel so cheated.

Bill said...

I cried for three straight hours when I realized there was no twat in my word cloud.

(There was, on the other hand, a "solstice stool.")

Lo Lo Lova said...

the word twat makes me think of something my mother once told me. we have these rumble strips just outside the lane lines by the berms on the freeway. my mom likes to purposely drive on them. i told her that they are supposed to be a warning and are not meant for driving on. she responded by saying, "i like to drive on them. they tickle my twat"

Spirit Of Owl said...

Ceci n'est pas un nuage.

jiggs said...

Do wordclouds rain? If so, do they rain words like "drop" and "water" and "rain"

Anonymous said...

I tried this. It had anal in really big letters.