Monday, February 13, 2006

Re: February 14, 2006


Knitty Kitty said...

take chocolate with you.

and movies!!!

love ya

flounder said...

What is that humming sound coming from under the covers?

Loz said...

damn! valentines day again and i forgot to make someone fall in love with me and buy me stuff!!! every year this happens...

brooke, will you be my valentine?

Anonymous said...

If you put the Energizer batteries in backwards they keep coming and coming and coming...

Just a thought. Enjoy your "bedrest"...

jiggs said...

Valentine's doesn't bother me too much. Perhaps it's because I have a cold dead heart.

It might also be because I have already resigned myself to dying alone.

Happy valentine's day!

Scarlet Hip said...

Knitty - check, check. Love you too.

Flounder - that's my purple people eater.

Loz - you would make a most excellent valentine. Come on under the covers.

Squid - thanks for the tip!

Mongo - it's ok. Mongo all good.

Scarlet Hip said...

Jiggs - right there with ya babe.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow, for me = wine + chocolate + take-out. With my gay sidekick (he's actually seeing someone, but he'll be out of town). Ahh, the joys of the non-sexual boyfriend...

Sysm said...

Not to be too fucking maudlin, but you have more people (grown and tiny) who love you than damn near anybody who gets a box of chocolate.

And yes, when I typed the words "fucking maudlin" I did have to take a moment to picture Bea Arthur on all fours.

Ubermilf said...

Sysm, you have a problem.

JillWrites said...

Lots of chocolate. And a good, hot shower.

Scarlet Hip said...

Sandra - I'm doing the chocolate tonight. I'll do the wine and take-out tomorrow. Fuck. It just keeps getting better and better.

Sysm - that's a very sweet thing to say. Unfortunately I can't curl up on the couch and make out with any of those said people.

Ubie - indeed he does.

Jill - you know me so well.

yournamehere said...

Brooke, check your email. I have to be at work at 4am tomorrow morning. My alarm is set for 2:45am. Happy cunting valentine's day.

Scarlet Hip said...

Todd - you're adorable. Happy fucking Valentine's Day to you too.

Modigliani said...

Oh, but even when you're single Valentine's Day is fun when you're a teacher! all your kiddies will give you tons of cards and candy and shower you with love!

Happy V-DAY !

darth said...

happy valentines day, brooke :)

East Coast Teacher said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Brooke :)

Eat lots of chocolate, drink some wine, and smile at the Valentine's your students give you.

Maddie said...

I'll be your Valentine! As long as you don't mind sharing me with my friend's perverted father.

Knitty Kitty said...

bea arthur on all fours?!?! ewwwwww........

Brooke! how many students are in your class? I'm not asking because i want to mail them little koala's or anything, cause that would just be silly!

dizzy von damn! said...

ham twat!

you can curl up and make out with me anytime you're near by.

Anonymous said...

Back at you! :)

jiggs said...

Happy fucking valentine's day. I'll be navel gazing until it's over.

babyjewels said...

I'm going to up miss kendra and say heart shaped ham twat!

Anonymous said...

Just think of Al Capone, then it doesn't seem too bad. That and most people just fake valentines day for the sake of a quiet life. Just go out and get loaded.

Tumbleweed said...

My sentiments exactly!! I heart you, have a great day anyway.

Anonymous said...

Brooke, it looks like you really, really need to was your hair.

Happy Valentines Day!

Anonymous said...

I mean "wash" your hair! Damnit!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day Massacre.

Today is also national Ferris Wheel Day, so happy that, as well.

Bill said...

Rolling up alone in bed seems a poor option for today - it strikes me as a rather disagreeable reminder of the day's downside.

No, I think a better option is getting drunk in a pealer bar.

Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day, SMG

Anonymous said...

I know. I went back to work because things at home were so bad, thank you for understanding me and being my friend.

Crabby said...

GET UP! Come on. You know you want to. Besides didn't ya hear, according to Denny those hearts filled with chocolate have boogers in them.

Never did see the point in Valentine's day myself. I have a friend who makes a big dinner with candlelight and all that crap. Dumb if ya ask me.

IMO, Valentine's day should be a day when you do really good stuff for yourself. Which is totally what I'm planning today. Gonna go drive a Porsche. (no I can't buy it but they don't know that) Gonna get a margarita and a gallon of ice cream. All for me me me.

Now get up, missy. It's "I love myself day".

egan said...

The sky is falling.

Scarlet Hip said...

You can all bite me. I'm not coming out from under here.

Oh. Dammit.

Maddie said...

I would also love to bite you.

Knitty Kitty said...

I'd bite you too...

Bill said...

I've found today to be rather a peppy day. As for the biting business, will this be along the lines of an ice cream parlour ... you know, as in, "Now serving number 17?"

Just curious.

FindingHeart said...

Yeah, that would be a picture of me except there would be one finger on one hand sticking out also. :)

....holding my breath until the 15th!

jiggs said...

Happy fucking VD, brooke.

Anonymous said...

For a moment, I thought Viggo had suddenly grown some really hairy ears!

joanne said...

I feel similarly. I actually had a lunch date today and the guy, in the middle of lunch, asked me if I had ever thought about getting myself a female lover.

Anonymous said...

Quite a sassy Valentine! Right back at ya.

Cincysundevil said...

Happy Valentine's Day, my future Ms. Devil!

Tumbleweed said...

The day is almost over...yipee!

egan said...

You're hogging the bed again. Roll over damnit.

Spinning Girl said...

It's over!
get up.

Dan-E said...

it's the next day now. get your ass outta bed.

GrandPooOfAwesome said...

It wasn't so bad.

Danielle said...

It's done-zo... You're free to roam and play again!