Saturday, February 18, 2006

Be Back Soon

**Quick update 3/1/06**

There we were - mom in her little backless gown waiting on the surgeons in the pre-op area - me reading Oprah magazine in my flip flops - when I asked the nurse if the surgery was still on schedule for 1:00.

She said, "Oh the surgeon is way behind - you wont be going in until at least 4:30."


Apparently, he hadn't even finished his first surgery yet - and this was at noon. Mom was to be his third for the day. I turned to mom and commented how uncomfortable I was with the idea of her being his third surgery for the day when it was obviously going to be very late...he'd be tired...yadda yadda yadda.

Half hour later the nurse manager comes in to apologize for the doctor being so far behind.

And tells us to come back next Wednesday.

Yes, you read that right.

Anyone got a Valium? Or 12? Fuck me.

Thanks for all the good wishes and kind thoughts. I love you all. It has truly meant a lot to me. I'll be back when this is all over.


jiggs said...

Pretty girl on the hood of a cadillac, yeah
Shes broken down on freeway 9,
Take a look at her engine starting
Leave her purring and i roll on by, by, by.

Free love on the Free Love Free Way,
The Love is Free and the freeways long,
I've got some hot love on the hot love highway
i'm Goin Home cause my babies gone.
She's gone

Sysm said...

you know where to find us

Dan-E said...

stop by sobe. i'll buy you a drink.

Ubermilf said...

You take as long as you need, buttercup.

Anonymous said...

Do some illin' and some chillin' and come back when you feel refreshed.

ChickyBabe said...

Take care, Brooke.


Calzone said...

Hang in there sweetie and all that.

babyjewels said...

I'll miss you!

Knitty Kitty said...

Gonna miss ya.
Our T.T's should get together and bond.

I'll be thinking of you...

joanne said...

I hope you are at least on vacation in a nice warm spot! If not, you should definitely consider it.

flounder said...

I miss you already.

flounder said...

Hold the phone.

You are taking a break.

You are in Florida.

Calzone is taking a break.

Calzone is going to Florida.

Say it ain't so Brooke.

katarina said...

A well deserved break.

egan said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
egan said...

Your great posts and funny comments will be missed. We'll be here when you return. I think you're a tremendous person, but a little down time from the blog never hurt anyone. Take some for Brooke. Spoil yourself and all that stuff. Cheers!

dizzy von damn! said...

it's been only six hours and i miss you already.

Modigliani said...

Oh no! Not another break! ... But we can't handle this!

And even worse, I just went by each of Jacob and Sarah's blogs and am still getting over the shock. What the heck happened to their blogs?! Did someone kidnap them? Do you know what happened?!


Modigliani said...

Awww, crap! I just saw your MIA: Jacob and Sarah on your blogroll.

Maaaannnn.. :(

Monkey said...

I love you Ham Twat.

yournamehere said...

I'll miss you, Brooke.

I don't know who Jacob and Sarah are, but I hope their blogs are in a better place now.

kris said...

While you are on break, mosey on up to DC. :)

Anonymous said...

You were actually in a dream I had last night.

I got a job as some sort of administrative assistant at a school and you were a teacher there. It wasn't a very interesting dream. It was much like what I imagine the life of an administrative assistant must be.

Maddie said...

I hope taking a break doesn't mean we're breaking up. Are we seeing other people?! I feel lost without you. Don't make me sing "All Out of Love". I'll totally do it.

Spinning Girl said...

I miss you and it hurts BAD.

Danielle said...

Hope you are well. Wishing you the best! Lots of love, d

Bill said...

This presents an interesting question. When Brooke's away, where do all those comments go?

I think there's a group at Princeton studying that.

dizzy von damn! said...


in your eyes, i am complete, in your eyes...

Anonymous said...


Unlike everyone else, I care naught that you want a break. Are we "on a break?" What does that mean.


PS, I love you.

Cactus Prick said...

And just when I got back.

It's all about the timing.

Jaxe said...

Daaaaammmmmmit. Where did you go now ;-0

*hugs* Miss ya already (see, I wasn't even mean.)

Take a break, Brookie. We'll be here. We are *always* freaking here... *stare*

ew, creepy.


babyjewels said...

No pressure, just checking.


Tumbleweed said...

You need a break babe! We will be here when you get back. I will have a drink in my hand waiting for you!!

Knitty Kitty said...

I miss ya.

Anonymous said...

Hoping all is well. Wishing more could be done from this end.

Lo Lo Lova said...

Hope you're doing okay! Thinkin about you and praying for your mom! And you :)

Sysm said...

This one'll get to 100 comments too.

I got here when you were in full swing. This is a great chance to catch up on the archives.

It's like the summer reruns. They're new to me.

Michelle Souliere said...

That is a very fuzzy break. It has never occurred to me that if I took a break, it could be fuzzy. That makes for a very appealing break. I hope it involves lots of napping.

Maddie said...

Brookie Poo, where are you? I miss you!

Gnomey G said...

Well, Brooke, I don't pipe up too often. Not just with you but, hmmm, ever. I admit it! I'm a lurker. But I read your blog often. I, too, am a teacher and I know the stress that accompanies the job. I, like you, am trying to shift careers and find out my niche. My mother is through her health difficulties--Thank God, please, bless her. Take your time but do come back. I'd hate to see a kindred soul extinguished from Blogger.

gumushel said...

Hoping to see you back soon!

piu piu said...


Sandra said...

Good luck, Brooke -- take care of yourself, and hope to see you again soon. More than that, hope everything starts looking better soon.

flounder said...

I wish I knew how to quit you Brooke.

dizzy von damn! said...

my blogroll told me you were here!

dammit blogroll!

now i'm all in a huff.

Anonymous said...

I know that you need a break . . . but, this sucks!


Spinning Girl said...

Thinking of you and sending you love.
::tongue bath::

dizzy von damn! said...

brooke is like knees.

kinda neat, covered in skin, and you don't realize how much you need them till they're gone.

dizzy von damn! said...

miss you!

Ubermilf said...

E-mail one of us so we know how today went when you get a chance.

We care.

dizzy von damn! said...

still miss you.




i'll be back later.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, we miss you! Hope you are OK.

egan said...

Just a little FYI, Brooke is doing alright. Her mom is going into surgery today. The best part about all of this is Brooke still has her sense of humor intact.

Good luck Brooke with your mom and your family. Our thoughts are with you.

dizzy von damn! said...

i slept on it, and i still miss you.

i am thinking about you and yours.

Calzone said...

Hope all is well Brooke

dizzy von damn! said...

ack! it's probably for the best, but you must be so stressed right now.

if i lived in the same timezone as you i would get in my car.

babyjewels said...

Thanks for the update. I've been wondering how you are. xo

Modigliani said...

It's great to read an update from you! I'm glad to know you're still alive and hanging in there.

what an awful ordeal! You get yourself mentally ready to go into surgery, and then it's like "oh, sorry ... come back next wednesday?" WTF? How is that even close to okay?

I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way. (and maybe a valium or two!) ;)

jiggs said...

Now with corrected lyrics:

Verse 1:

Pretty girl on the hood of a cadillac, yeah
She's broken down on Freeway 9.
I take a look, I get her engine started, and
leave her purring and I roll on by. Bye, bye

Free love on the freelove freeway, the
Love is free and the freeway's long, I got some
Hot love on the hotlove highway, ain't
Going home 'cause my baby's gone (she's gone)

Verse 2:
A little while later, see a Senorita,
She's caught a flat trying to make it home.
She says, "Por favor, can you pump me up?"
I say, "Muchos gracias, adios. Bye, bye."

Verse 3:
A long time later I see a cowboy crying
"Hey buddy, what can I do?"
He says, "I lived a good life, had about a thousand women,"
I said, "Why the tears?", he says, " ' Cause none of them was you".

Anonymous said...

Can we play tip ins when you get back?

Maddie said...

I don't have valium (dammit!) but you know I'd totally share 'em with you if I did.

egan said...

I'm stoked you're back. Not so stoked about your mom's delayed surgery and her pain. However, I'm stoked to read your comments on other blogs. Take care and give your mom a hug for me. New Lost tonight.

Princess LadyBug said...

Brooke, if I had any valium I'd give it all to you. Poor honey.

Knitty Kitty said...

Its in the mail.
with timtams.

Scarlet Hip said...

I love you all.

Egan...that is the gayest avatar I've ever seen. I love you anyway.

JillWrites said...

hi brooke,
sorry i have not had a chance to comment as i have wanted. i have been thinking about you and your mom each day and sending good wishes your way.

Spirit Of Owl said...


Bill said...

Quite a relief to see you. It was quite lonely in the blogosphere.

Sorry to hear about your mom's delay. It's sort of good news and bad at the same time. I'd have been worried about the same thing - end of the day when the doctor's tired? On the other hand, more waiting.

Btw, re: egan ... You have to remember that unicorns are a symbol of virginity. I'm just sayin'.

Loz said...

i feel for ya, kid. i really do. i'm sure i can't help at all but my thoughts are with you and with your mum.

Tumbleweed said...

Missing you!!

Melanie was here said...

Hang in there Brooke. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Let Lo Lo and I know if we can come and help out at all! :-) I'll cook and Lo Lo can clean, she can clean like whoa!