How many times per day do you usually laugh?
I teach first grade, so I pretty much laugh nonstop from 8:45-3:15 everyday. Think I'm kidding? Today we were writing sentences using words from the "ank" family. One of my little darlings wrote, "I stank up the bathroom." Yet another one was wearing a t-shirt with baby chicks all over it with the words "CHICK MAGNET" printed across the chest. And still another promised that if I took him home with me, he would wash his feet.
What do your sunglasses look like?
Like I ripped them right off of Jackie O's head.
You win a free trip to anywhere on your continent, but you have to travel by train. Where do you go?
I spent a lot of time on trains during my European escapades, and I can tell you that it's fun for an hour or two, but after that the novelty wears off. So I think I'll just hop a train to NYC and leave it at that.
Main Course
Name one thing you consider a great quality about living in your town/city.
The beach.
If the sky could be another color, what color do you think would look best?
I stole this next part from Ubermilf, who stole it from someone else, who stole it from someone else, and so on, and so on ...soon there won't be an original thought left on the whole blogosphere.
Be a rock star! Go to...
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result as a comment in this post.

And no, I did not cheat so that I could get the name Elections in Jersey. I think the fact that my album cover has a picture of a rodent on it is proof of that.
I must say,I'm just fine with the butt scratching pics. I think it's funny & cute, but really, everyone needs to STOP talking about his penis!!! It's creepy and perverted, & you would creep the HELL out of Gerry i'm sure if you went up to him talking about his dick like that. May be the first joke is kind of funny, but they really need to stop, they get old and weird fast!!! He's a dream come true and a sweet gift from Heaven for all us girls, so just comment on suff like his movies, talent, looks, style, and of corse his humor, but not his personal buisness, really, get a life. Let it have Gerry in it, but not "TOO" much of Gerry.
Dear Madalyn B.,
Thank you for your comment on my Gerard Butler apology post. As I stated, we all get wedgies - and you're right - it is funny & cute! Nothing like a good butt scratch/wedgie pick to give me a well-deserved giggle and some soft core fantasy fodder at the same time.
In regards to the penis talk, are you directing that part to me, or to the world in general? I myself have never spent an inordinate amount of time discussing his penis, but do you really think it creeps him out that there are thousands of other people who do? For most guys I know, that's a dream come true. But if you think that my post somehow brought more attention to his much mentioned manhood, and that it offended him somehow, then please pass along my apologies to him. (I'm assuming that since you refer to him as Gerry, you two must be good friends.) And please, rest assured that I would never approach him and "talk about his dick like that." Unless of course, he bought me dinner first.
Again, thank you for your comment and your advice. I will do my best to get a life.
Scarlet Hip
*It should be noted that Madalyn B. found my blog by using the search term "gerard butler has a penis".