Interviewer: Are you anti-Bush, as the pundits say?
Viggo: No, I'm not anti-Bush; I'm anti-Bush behavior. In other words, I'm against cheating, greed, cruelty, racism, imperialism, religious fundamentalism, treason, and the seemingly limitless capacity for hypocrisy shown by Bush and his Administration.
Seriously, I think I'm in love.
as am I, but today I'll let you have him...
meow! Gorgeous and well-spoken....
Uh, you know, I voted for Kerry...
You know, he and I went to the same high school (watertown, ny). Except of course, he went before I was born, so unfortunately (for him) we never got to hang out much. I think Richard Grieco also went to Watertown. Bodes well for me. Somehow. Too bad he's all against cheating. If I see him at the reunion, I'll tell him you said 'hi.'
Uh, yeah...He's HOT!
Great blog!
He's so melt-in your mouth, not in you hands yummy!
Nice picture.
Knitty - thanks. You can't have him back.
Tango - meow! I love that! And your name, I will be by to check out your blog after school. (that sounds so goofy)
Neil - I'm thinking there is a six degrees of separation thing here with Sophia knowing all these famous people.
Brando - there is my first degree of separation! Sort of.
Chops! I love that too. I will see you after school too!
TRM - he can melt wherever he likes!
He looks foul and feels fair.
Sheesh, now I want to sleep with him.
Man oh man! ... Hot, smart, AND noble? This is guy has N&D written all over him!
Still with this Viggo fetish? Brooke I think it's time for an intervention. Although you might be able to covince SMB to do a little weise-drei.
yaaaay!! when you get married, my imaginary bofriend and i will be pleased to be there.
Please tell me you saw Viggo pull fake worms out of his mug while on The Daily Show.
i thought he was hot before, but now after that quote, um, he is extra delicious.
Owl - that's it. I'm sending you to the plucking machine. And it is not as much fun as it sounds.
JJ - hands off!
MoMo - he would be N&D if I could actually get my hands on him.
Nick - weezer who?
AA - we don't have to wait! You two can come to my imaginary wedding!
Ms. Sizzle - nutritious AND delicious!
Bless, all you women fighting over Viggo..I don't see it :-)
Too bad he likes boys.
Gordy - this from a man in a skirt.
Todd - bite your tongue!!
viggo would bite todd's tongue.
I meant: would viggo bite todd's tongue? That's what I meant.
Owl - you are so plucked.
I don't even know who this guy is, Brooke. I said what I said out of jealousy for his hold over you.
And because he's a giant 'mo.
wait..is he the elf guy?
I'm going to hurt the both of you.
I thought he was the beard guy. And everyone knows he hungers for cock.
Brooke - weise-drei = 3 way
Is that all jealous men can come up with, "He's gay?" That's pretty sad.
Nick - you said cock.
Ubie - I think it's wishful thinking on their part. Don't you?
You're right. The "He's gay" thing is lame. How about:
He's a lousy dresser.
He can't dance.
He's socially inept.
Fuck, I just described myself. God damn it.
So if he was gay, he would be the perfect man for you too!
Anyone who sees through the bush administrations bullshit is alright in my book. Go and have lots of babies with him and name your first born after me. Damn! I'm self absorbed.
That dude is so hot!!!I would so like to play a little wolf and piggy with him. I'd like to lick him up and down from his gorgeous toes to his aristoctatic neck.
hey Viggo how bout some fries with that shake yo?
oh yeah and brooke I can't stop thinking about you.
I am so turned on right now.
I have never been a big fan, but after reading that quote, I am now.
Ruben - We will name our first born "Bohemian Negro" - after you.
Calzone - I told you you're gay.
Nick - I am too actually.
TJ - keep your hands off him or I'll take Jon from you.
Calzone, Mistress Ubermilf would like to have a word with you.
My whip's back from the shop.
And you've been very naughty.
she's gonna whip you good, boy. And not in the fun way.
Oh cool! Get your tickets here!!
I'm not gay...I just really want to fuck that Viggo dude.
I don't think I've ever seen a gay dragon before.
They should change that movie's name. cross out "history" and replace it with "shitload".
Uh, okay, I'm late to this party. Or, I should say - I left early and came back late!
YNH ~ WHAT exactly is a GIANT MO??? Hmmmm????
:) Mo(mo)
Ohh ra!! Way to go Vigo!!
Hey Brooke! Yes Viggo makes me *swoon* too, but that's just because I'm a geek and he played Aragorn in Lord of the Rings. Hmmm. I shouldn't have said that. *takes his hobbit dolls and runs away*
I heard something like 6 million people are without power right now... hope you're not among them!! Or at least that school is cancelled for Tuesday so you'll have time to regroup.....hang in there!
Nicely put . . . I mean, nicely put together. Seriously, I like what he had to say. :) I love how he has been around for so long and now, in the last couple of years, he is finally getting recognition. :)
I'd like to jiggle his ass, then give him the hungry goat, then finish him off with the reach around,
you exude class, calzone. Why not throw in a glass bottom boat and a rusty trombone.
I am totally in love with him. I think he is on my top 5 list.
Viggo's cock will rot soon if this post is up any longer. That or it will turn to gold.
Oh, goodness! With Wilma hitting you down there, I'm starting to get concerned. Your blog hasn't been updated, and I haven't seen you commenting elsewhere.
My aunt and uncle in Miami had TERRIBLE damage - roof got torn off, electricity is off, water coming in the house, etc. ... (they are okay, though.)
I hope nothing like that has happened to you, Brooke! Thinking of you and hoping all is well!
Yes, what Mogdigli said. I know you are sort of close to my in-laws in West Palm Beach. Most likely you are without power like they are. Interested to hear how the whole Wilma thing went.
Just spoke with Brooke, she is safe and well...without power and water, having not showered for 3 days she is a more miserable bitch than normal and bailing north to NJ (hopefully) if the airport ever opens.
She'll update when she gets here
BTW I'm her friend Roberta
Brooke all stinky is so hot yo.
Yay! Brooke's OK!
Maybe Viggo will come and scrub your back in the shower!
Hi, Roberta,
Thanks for letting us know that Brooke is OK. I was so worried about Brooke, but now that I know she's OK, I can think about other things like --
So, Roberta, are you as hot as your friend Brooke (but hopefully a little less cranky)? Do you have any photos of yourself on your blog?
Be safe, Brooke!
That is fabulous news that our Brookie is okay!!
What an ordeal, oh my, what a mess.... so sorry to hear about the loss of power and water. If you've never lived through it you can't imagine how it takes over your life. I'm glad to hear Brooke is OK.
Wonder if this means she's fleeing temporarily to New Jersey or flat out moving??? If she's flat out moving I wouldn't blame her!
thanks roberta for the update!
glad to hear you are ok, brooke...coming to NJ with a washcloth, right now.
Yeah, Brooke... relocate, sweetie.
We need you here.
From this morning's Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel: Florida Power and Light expects to have 95% of customers' power restored by Nov. 8 and that they haven't seen this level of damage to power lines since Hurricane Andrew.
NOV. 8!!!!!
Poor Brooke!
Maybe we can continue to comment until November 8th. That means she should have roughly 130 comments to address. Being the swell person she is, I wouldn't be surprised if she did actually do that.
I know if I were in her shoes, I would be chomping at the bit to get on the net. I'm an addict.
Oh, yeah, Nov. 8th is way too long!
Hope to hear from you soon.
She must still be in Florida. If she were in New Jersey she would probably be online by now.
She's probably standing in line somewhere, waiting for government issued ice and anti-perspirant.
OK, everyone, on the count of three: send positive zee ray thoughts in the general direction of South Florida. Send them to New Jersey too, just in case.
Zee rays, zee rays, zee rays.....
At least we keep getting to look at Viggo. I'd like to give him the Abraham Lincoln.
Ohhh man its that guy again, although I remember he did do a great Vanity Fair spead, I think it was last year (worth a look for fans)
Viggo is starting to smell, just a little. Time for his bath?
you suck brooke. you don't even post and you get 80 comments. i was totally going to service you.
well that ship has sailed, sister.
I'm back! And thank you all for your fabulous comments!
Moi? I love Viggo. I just think he needs a bath is all. Maybe you can administer the bath Brooke.
I don't have a problem with that. Could you contact his people about setting this up?
Speaking of Viggo, I saw History of Violence last night. Huh, did Viggo have a tail at some point in time?
A tail? Are you insulting the Viggo? I haven't seen the movie because I hear it's super violent and I'm a sissy. Do you recommend it?
Yes, not surprisingly it was a pretty gory movie. I would recommend it though. The movie was rather thought provoking if you ask me. Some may find it too violent, but it's titled "History of Violence". Plus you get to see Viggo's ass and abs.
I will have to suffer through the violence then. *sigh*
How about a new post you comment whore.
I would say something intelligent about the film, but I'm just going to say if you're a fan (and obviously you are) you MUST see it. My boyfriend asked me if I "needed to be left alone."
Nick - prick.
Jill - well now I have to see it.
Found this post through the BlogReader interview.
I am no stranger to a celebrity crush myself. But, I vowed to stop mentioning her in my blog. Can I mention her in other people's comments sections though? hmmmmm
Great site!
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