I owe you an apology. Not because I've actually wronged you in any way, but because I may have inadvertantly caused you some minor embarrassment. I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened - which seems to be the mantra of most bad bad girls. Not that I'm a bad bad girl! I'm not - although anyone searching for "I've been a bad bad girl" eventually ends up here. OK so I have pictured you in various stages of undress - as do most of the women on the planet. And yes, during those stages of undress there were somewhat rude things going on as well - and by rude I mean...well..shut up. I'm sure you know what I mean. Am I babbling? I think I might be babbling. I do that when I'm nervous...
Ahem. My train of thought seems to still be boarding at the station.
What I am getting at, is that I may have caused you embarrassment - unintentionally! - because of this picture.
Now let me make something clear. I did not snap this photo. I am not a stalker, part of the paparazzi, or in anyway affiliated with the Hollywood machine. It all started when Tits McGee - yes, blame Tits! - posted the link to this infamous wedgie shot in my comments. Since then I have gotten an average of 50 hits a day from said link. OK so I used that link again. Twice now. Shut up. And now it seems that just about any image search you can possibly imagine will lead the unwitting public to my blog by way of your...assets. Looking for the letter "n"? Search under google images, and eventually it will bring you to my blog via your butt. Look up "titless blog" - why anyone would do this I do not know - and there you are front and center. Sadly for you, I am the number one hit for "Accidental Flash" on the Internets, and now that phrase is inextricably linked with your ass as well. And here I thought we had nothing in common.
Don't even ask about the searches for your penis. Do you have any idea how many people want to see your penis? It's really quite disturbing.
I never meant for hundreds - soon to be thousands at this rate - of people who wouldn't normally have found that picture - linked from a site called queerclick no less - to come upon it in such a way. But really, it's not such a big deal. You can take comfort in the fact that you are not only insanely hot, but an international superstar making ridiculous amounts of money as well. This photo is not going to hurt your chances of getting laid in any way. In fact some might find it adorable. Because let's face it - we all get wedgies.
I am under no delusions that you will ever read my blog. However, I am a strong believer in karma. So I am just putting out my apology to the universe in the hopes that this incident will not come back and ...you know..bite me on the ass.
P.S. During the writing of this, six more people showed up here by way of your bu...uh...photo. I really am very very sorry.