Here we go.
- I was born and raised in South Jersey.
- But I do not have the "Joisey" accent.
- I moved to South Florida five years ago.
- I really hate hurricanes.
- And I really miss the change of seasons.
- I am on my second career.
- I was a chef in my first career.
- At 19, I was running a catering service.
- I didn't think it was a big deal at the time.
- Now I realize what a big deal it was.
- I was known as the "Soup Queen" when I was a chef.
- I should have written a cookbook.
- I graduated college two months ago - at the age of 39.
- I missed graduating with highest honors by .011.
- Now I am an elementary school teacher.
- I once worked as a nanny - which could be why I became a teacher.
- I abhor the word "bored" - only boring people get bored.
- I can be very stubborn.
- I have a tendency to be a tad anal retentive.
- I can quote more movies than I would like to admit.
- My favorite all-time tv show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
- I have a magazine addiction.
- I am a huge football (go Packers!) fan.
- I cry when I am really happy.
- I spend too much time on my computer.
- I spend a lot of time with my family.
- Sometimes more than I would choose to if it were up to me.
- I am turning 40 on September 7th.
- I'm a little freaked out by this.
- Mostly because I never thought I would live this long.
- Most people guess that I am in my mid to late 20's.
- They say it's because I look young.
- I say it's because I'm immature.
- I am not married.
- I don't know if I want to be married.
- I would rather be alone than settle.
- I don't have any children.
- I don't know if I want to have any children.
- I have a new movie star crush every few months.
- Currently it's Viggo Mortensen.
- I think I would have his children.
- If I do have children, I know what I will name them.
- But I won't say the names here.
- I have never been to Disneyworld.
- I lived in Australia for almost 2 years.
- I was in love with a boy there.
- If he had asked me to stay, I would have.
- Sydney is my favorite city in the world.
- Florence is a close second.
- I backpacked in Europe for six months.
- I was on the Berlin Wall New Year's Eve 89 - the year the wall came down.
- It was one of the greatest nights of my life.
- I have a tattoo of a rose on my ass.
- It was done by Tattoo Molly at the Hanky Panky in Amsterdam.
- I think that Molly is somewhat famous in the tattoo world.
- Molly got me stinking drunk the night before he tattooed me.
- He also saved me from being killed by a homicidal prostitute.
- I should blog about that night.
- I should have written a book about my travels.
- I have always wanted to go to Bora Bora.
- Maybe Viggo will take me there for our honeymoon.
- I have had many nicknames, none of which I am willing to reveal here.
- One of my favorite things to eat for dinner is a big bowl of popcorn.
- I play the flute.
- I do not like shopping.
- I would like to own my own home - with a yard - someday.
- I really want a dog, hence the need for a yard.
- I collect Russel Wright dinnerware.
- I have a lot of cool antiques.
- I love to decorate.
- I like to imagine what I would do if I won millions in the lottery.
- I tend to procrastinate.
- I like spending time alone.
- I can go for days without talking to anyone.
- Although most people would say I am very social.
- I have had sex on three of the seven continents.
- I have not had a boyfriend in waaaaaaaay too long.
- Two of my former boyfriends are seven years younger than I am.
- I have a weakness for dimples.
- And Levi's jeans that fit just right.
- I have seen Bruce Springsteen in concert six times.
- I hate getting out of bed in the morning.
- I love bubble baths.
- I used to smoke.
- I am still trying to lose the weight I gained from quitting.
- My parents divorced when I was 12.
- According to my mother, I was a wild teenager.
- Mom was no picnic herself in those days.
- Now we are the best of friends.
- I am not religious, but I do have faith.
- I believe that everything happens for a reason.
- I used to ride my bike every single day.
- It's too hot to ride in Florida.
- That is one of the reasons I want to move back to Jersey.
- I have moved 16 times in my life, not including my travels.
- I believe in love at first sight.
- It happened to me a long time ago.
- And I still love him now.
- I wonder sometimes if I'll ever get over him.
- Or if I should.