Last night, between the hours of 1:00-2:00 am, two beer-swilling-belly-scratching-fuck-witted yabos in their little redneck putt-putt shitboat were trolling up and down the canal outside my window. Their mission - to scream unintelligible nonsense and blast
Seals and Crofts at ear-piercing decibels. Yes, Seals and Crofts. Who the fuck listens to that shit anymore? And where was my
Marine Policeman when I really needed him?
See, this is why I am for gun control. If I had had a gun, as is my right as an American citizen, those dipshits would be at the bottom of the canal right now, and I'd be desperately trying to avoid relations with Sweaty Betty in the Broward County Jail. Better to be tired and cranky and taking it out on our future generation.
It's only 7:30 and I need a nap. It's going to be a long day - and I'm already late for work.
Damn, you are tired Brooke. Apparently you didn't realize that if there were more gun laws, aka "gun control", you probably would be denied that right to have a gun in the first place.
First post bitches!
That's my point Flounder. I don't want to spend my life in a 6x8 with Sweaty Betty. Better that I can't get hold of a gun.
And you say I'm tired. Sheesh.
yea flounder, that is the sound of the her post's main point just whooshing past your head! tehee.
god I miss ya brooke.
I promise to eat tim-tams this week. And maybe try and get some non-instant coffee.
Fuck, Brooke! (Wait, not "fuck brooke" as in fuck you, but as in... you know what I mean...)
I've felt that way all week! Must be the nice gray skies combined with 20 degree weather...
I'll just be over here with my head on the desk, trying to remain alert until 4:00.
Maybe if you were on your blog at 7:30 saying "I'm late for work" you wouldn't be late for work.
Knitty - I could not have said that better myself. I thought maybe my subtlety was completely lost. And you must take a picture of you eating tim-tams so I can grovel and drool over you - more so than usual.
TRM - there seems to be a worldwide epidemic of malaise and exhaustion. I blame the Bush administration.
Nick - thank you Captain Obvious. Now make yourself useful and bring me a double shot of espresso before I kick you in the groin.
Seals and Crofts? Maybe next time, they will blast Simon and Garfunkel, or even Garfunkel's solo shit. That would rule.
Actually they would probably float.
You said they would be at the bottom of the canal.
Well that's not exactly how it works.
Unless you have some rocks or concrete or something.
I take it that you just shitcanned the whole day and called in sick?
You know what you need? You need a violin-case toting mafia-ist to go in ahead of you and make those kinds of things happen.
I might know a guy.
Just sayin'.
Does that dog have wood? And I'm using the term "dog" loosely.
Just buy a paintball gun. Then you get to have your fun without the murder rap. And I hear yabos look good in fluorescent green?
P.S. You do not have a constitutional right to bear arms. The Second Amendment has not been incorporated into the 14th Amendment, and therefore applies only to federal -- not state -- regulation, and no court has held otherwise. Silly American.
seals and croft :lol: was it "we may never pass this way again"? thats grounds for justifable homicide.
that dog makes my ovaries hurt.
i say you tell the kids to put their heads down on the desk for a period or so, and then nap away.
That is too adorable.
You could've pelted them with eggs.
Is it live or is it Memorex™?
Just so I can paint the right picture here, can you describe Sweaty Betty a bit more...
that dog has a bigger weiner than calzone.
I can help you set up a mine, mine, missile and torpedo defense system. Just sayin'
TF - or maybe I could just slam my head against the wall until it explodes.
Tad - oh they would sink, trust me. You don't want to fall into this canal. It ain't pretty.
Flounder - nope, that was me posting from work. And in an ironic twist, my kids had their best behavior day since Christmas. I guess I should show up every day with no make up or mousse. Must have scared the crap out of them.
Therese - I may need to contact some of my old pals from Joisey.
Prick - I keep forgetting you're a lawyer. Bite me.
Darth - I think it was Diamond Girl. That's what has been swirling around my head all day. I need some serious drugs.
Miss K - oh how I wish I could have done that. But my kids would have no doubt set the room on fire had I done that.
Jill - and it's just how I feel!
Ubie - where were you when I needed you!!
Egan - oh wow, maybe it was Seals and Crofts in the boat!
Dave - Sweaty Betty is supposed to induce fear, not bring on arousal.
BabyJ - that's because that dog actually has a weiner.
Phoenix - you are so hot.
Are there alligators in your canal?
You're a trooper Brooke!
But you're so cute and fuzzy lying on the couch!! I had no idea you were so fuzzzy! I'm in love with you.
BTW - Is there a bar near where you live called "Sofa King"? I have a friend that bartends in one somewhere in south FLA, but I am not sure exactly where. He is an ACHS guy as well.
Monkey - ummmm...that's not really...yes, thank you. Thank you very much!
Gotta take it where I can get it.
Flounder - I've heard of it. I think it's a club with "dancers."
Charlie - compliments, I was talking about compliments. Always with the mind in the gutter.
Gorgs - you love them.
Hey Brooke!!!!
It's my birthday!
You can even check my record!
You taking me out?
Whenever I get really tired, I send naked pictures of myself to people named "jiggs". I suggest you try the same thing.
Jiggs is a funny guy.
Tad - have we met?
SM - do you have weapons? Firearms? Rotten eggs? It would be so cool if you did.
Brooke, what up?
Nick - nada dude. What up with you?
Jiggs - for some reason I didn't see your post til just now. Blogger is wigging out again. So I'll need some naked pictures of you to send to this guy named Jiggs.
why don't you come say hi and what not
Cause you don't have your IM on, dork. And I sent you an email, didn't you get it?
I'm really liking the paint ball method. That would rock!!!!!
I've never had a noise control problem around here, probably because my house is the noise control problem. Nobody ever bitches though, my boys are bigguns and so are my dogs - that's it hon, get a big dog!!!!
Nobody ever IMs me anymore. I feel so unloved. Woe is me.
Deb - you have no idea how much I want a big dog. Read this.
Egan - you big baby. I'm here...I'm here!
Neil - reason number 47 we would never make it as a couple.
Sandra - I need those blowdarts! Yeah!
Perhaps next time, you can play something even more awful out of your window?
Now, you're online and ignoring me. Does it get any worse. How's Randy Jackson?
Sawyer. Wet. Shirtless. Angry.
I need to be by myself a for a while.
Awww... nothing like Sawyer on a popsicle stick.
nice try.
Egan - sweet dreams for me tonight.
JC - huh?
Don't let the bed bugs bite Brooke.
It's so early.
Go back to bed.
The Brady Bill makes you wait 3 days before being able to buy a gun. This really killed my plans to open a nation-wide chain of drive-thru gun stores...
I figured that by locating m the stores near freeway on-ramps and certain intersections, I could (no-pun-intended) make a killing!
I thought you were coming over and posting as God's mom, but I know who it is now.
Still love me?
Now, that cute dog knows what life is all about. I envy the pooch. :) Hope your day gets better. :)
Want me to come over there and kick some Seals & Croft ass?
Hey, is that your dog?
You want me to call in the SBS? They'll come an limpit-mine that sucka in a flash.
PS When am I going to post a comment before 50th place I wonder?
I love white trash.
That pupper sure is cute, though.
Please post something new soon. That dog is creeping me out!
TGI(almost) F!
Squidly - I've shot two guns in my life. Both times I hit what I was shooting for with alarming accuracy - especially for someone with such crappy vision as I have. It's best I don't get hold of a weapon.
JC - you confuse me greatly.
Marel - that is the life I dream about.
LoLo - I would love to kick some ass with you! And no, it's not mine, just a picture someone emailed me and I've been looking for an excuse to post it. I'm a big dog girl. And by that I mean I like BIG dogs.
WBB - that would be awesome! And if you showed up more than once a week, you would be here for the insanity that can occur around here.
SG - I do not love white trash - which works out well as we will never be in competition for the same man!
Flounder - I just did. I don't think you will like my new post any better.
Lake - you can say that again!
That pup is adorable. I'm jealous.
That has got to be the cutest freaken dog I've ever seen. Tiny pecker and all.
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